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Scarred for life

I've heard that some crew members.... trying to be vague for legal reasons..... would p¡ss on his "robot arm medal giving" chair before a recording of Fix It, if that makes you feel any better?
I've heard that some crew members.... trying to be vague for legal reasons..... would p¡ss on his "robot arm medal giving" chair before a recording of Fix It, if that makes you feel any better?

Lovely stuff, heals the wounds slightly.
I grew up in Leeds and the stories about him, especially from anyone who dealt with him at the LGI, were well known. I worked with a retired nurse at my first job and she said to me "you made sure you were never alone with him"

Village I grew up in, it was well known that one of Freddie Starr's daughters lived there. She never met her dad and the mother basically lived off the hush money.
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I know it's already been mentioned, but it's worth mentioning again. Threads is still worth a watch.

I've seen it once. The fact that it's so powerful even now, is a credit to the writer and director., especially when you find out it was made for about £2.50. which adds to it. Using silence when the bomb falls rather than some cheap sound affect.I can't even look at my DVD copy and not shudder.

The realism comes from it's a tail of everyday folk and not in London (which was the style of the time.) a city already on its knees with Thatcherism. Northern steel powerhouse crippled by politics and the bombing of robin hood airport. Loads of marks added for the woman pissing herself and that poor bastard having his morning dump ruined.