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What's your current coaster count?

I mean, I guess we could have a whole new discussion as to the mysteries and often inconsistencies of RCDB. From what I can see, the three water rides I listed do coast in anything as much as Atlantica SuperSplash does for a very brief period.

But anyhow, does anyone remember during the first 2020 lockdown when, from completely out of the blue, BPB’s Ghost Train suddenly appeared on RCDB, and was then swiftly removed less than a week later?

Does anyone count BPB Ghost Train as coaster cred? I know I don’t.
I do not count, but if I did, I would count the Ghost Train at BPB, as it rolls and coasts.
More than the mine train at towers does.
I think with Ghost Train at BPB there's another similar ghost house in the USA that was on RCDB so they added Ghost Train, then probably realised that would cause them all sorts of issues with adding all sorts of dark rides with downwards slopes so just removed them both instead.

End of the day you count what you want, I'm sure I've got some inconsistencies in my own count (I don't list Droomvluct even though I think I probably should).

With Grand National (and The Racer at Kennywood) you have to queue up to ride both sides so I agree it counts as 2.
These things are extremely subjective, I don't count Fuga da Atlantide or Super Splash but do count Altantica for reasons I can at least justify to myself. I also count the old water chute/Vikingar at BPB - that one used to be on RCDB but isn't any more, along with Super Splash.

I have a section of my spreadsheet dedicated to "dubious creds" that some people count but I don't. The aforementioned water rides are in there, as are the 3 Intamin first gen drop towers I've done and a couple of near-coaster dark rides. The likes of BPB's Ghost Train and Droomvlucht are not on that list , I just don't consider them coasters at all as the ride system is just a means of moving you through the scenes. Whilst there's some coasting it's not the main focus of the ride. Conversely, for powered coasters there's usually not much in the way of theming and the ride system is providing the excitement. The track and trains are clearly far more closely related to coasters than to dark rides. Even on EP's Arthur where the dark ride sections form the majority of the ride, there are still multiple high(ish)-speed sections where the ride is just trying to be a regular coaster.
I think my most tenuous is Jurassic River at CavallinoMatto. It, by the barest of margins, is a coaster that spends most of its time as a flume.
My most tenuous counted roller coaster is probably Atlantica SuperSplash at Europa Park, which probably feels the least coaster-y of the coasters I’ve done and often seems to crop up in these discussions.

Or perhaps it would be RC Racer at Walt Disney Studios in Paris, as even though RCDB counts it, I can see why some might call it more of a flat ride than a coaster. I don’t really remember the technical specifics of the ride system seeing as I last rode it 13 years ago, when I was not quite 8 years old, but from everything I’ve seen and from what I remember of it, I’d consider it a coaster, as it did seem to “coast” in sections. I also count it because RCDB counts it, and Duane is likely more clued up on the technical specifics than I am.

I’ve also always been slightly unsure with regard to some rides with small coaster sections that mostly fulfil a different function. As @John said, Arthur is arguably a slightly tenuous one, and I’m also thinking of things like Journey to Atlantis (the Orlando version) and Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts. To be fair, most consider these rides coasters, and I would say that there’s enough uniquely “coaster-y” stuff in all of them for me to count them, but I did see one person who didn’t count them on the basis of them “not being best described as coasters”.

To be honest, I mostly tend to defer to RCDB on these matters. If RCDB counts it, I’m mostly happy to count it, although there are a few exceptions to that.
I guess this is why I don’t worry too much about “milestones”

I’ve been to parks with some people in the past who have deliberately said “I want to wait to go on xxxx coaster so that it can be my 400th, 500th etc” but to be honest I think this is a bit silly. It may be coaster number 400 or whatever by your reckoning, but by someone else’s it might not be. If someone asked me what my 100th, 200th, etc milestone coasters are, mine would only be a rough estimate, easily give or take 5-10 dubious ones either side.

It’s interesting that a lot of people are mentioning Droomvlucht, which I don’t count, yet Ziggy’s Blast Quest at the Milky Way park in Devon is listed on RCDB despite being what I’d class as a completely powered dark ride system. I literally only count this one because it’s on RCDB. No other reason.
In regards to milestones. I like to celebrate them with a mini sign on the ride, but i know that what i count may change so the milestone coasters may end up shifting earlier and or later. I'm ok with that. I've had several milestones get shifted.
At the moment for me, my coaster cred count is 54.

This will certainly increase quite a bit this season as I've got both Phantasialand and Europa Park booked in the coming months 😅
102 now, with my 100th being also at Tripsdrill though this time a front-row ride on Hals-uber-Kopf. Not the coaster I was originally eyeing up as my hundredth (damn you Voltron!) but is at least a unique coaster being the first and only Vekoma STC - at least until Emerald Park open their new area.

Also memorable for the extreme drenching from the lift hill and the onslaught of stinging rain throughout the ride - PAIN!

Then to be taunted by this smug git on the brake run...

From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvgUdhTjKns
I reached 210 yesterday, with #210 being the blue (Team Legends) side of Minifigure Speedway.

#200 was also Hals-über-Kopf the day after @NuttySquirrel reached 100 on the same ride 😂. I was originally intending it to be either Expedition GeForce or Alpina Bahn, but the opportunity to get a couple more creds came up so I took it
I reached 210 yesterday, with #210 being the blue (Team Legends) side of Minifigure Speedway.

#200 was also Hals-über-Kopf the day after @NuttySquirrel reached 100 on the same ride 😂. I was originally intending it to be either Expedition GeForce or Alpina Bahn, but the opportunity to get a couple more creds came up so I took it
Hi there milestone buddy! Hope you got better weather than I did anyway! (Actually worse would be hard!)
I wonder if I have the lowest Coaster count on here?

From memory
- Log Coaster (Gulliver's Matlock) !Powered!
- Oblivion
- RMT (Towers) !Powered!
- Thunder Mountain (DLP)

Log flumes
- Gulliver's matlock
- Alton towers

That might actually be it... I did queue for Rita once but ended up breaking.

So why am I here?
I love watching coasters, the engineering, the speed, the noise (Nemesis Roar)
the POVs the incredible theming.

I did get into Vlogs a while back but dont watch them as often these days.

I remember visiting Pleasure Island and watching the boomarang as a kid. Ontop of that watching the flatrides....bring back ripsaw.

I do have a bit of skin in the game, with vested interest in the leisure, tourism and hospitality sectors. Quite interesting to pick up on trends and here stories of what parks have mastered and messed up.

So why so few coasters?
Well, im not a fan of heights and watching something like Nemesis its frightening. I have young kids now so my last visit to Towers was spent mostly in Ceebeebies land. Did get chance to have a wonder but wouldnt have had chance to queue for hours.

I also have always admired fairgrounda but have a similar issues, I love seeing the craxy rides, the lights at night. Hate the atmosphere.

So thats me, not sure if this should be in the new members section or here.
New best pal.
Absolutely spot on.
We can sit at the back at meets mate, not being allowed to ask questions, because we don't try hard enough.
Your name made me smile straight away...lovely.
Might change mine to Old Low Count.
Welcome here, you have new friends.
And slowly go through all the coasters with your kids, being as afraid as them, but not showing it.