TowersStreet News

John Wardley talks theme parks and The Smiler

Saturday 20 April 2013 9:21
Updated 11th February 2025

With the release of his new book, John Wardley took to the airwaves to speak to local station Harborough FM this week. The interview, with HFM presenter and TowersStreet Talk member Dave Smith (cubwolf) gave an insight to John’s career over the years and offered some tidbits of information on Alton Towers’s new attraction The Smiler.

‘More inversions than any other roller coaster in the world’

Track construction of The Smiler is fast approaching completion, and it’s been clear for some time now that the number of inversions on the ride is in double figures. In Friday’s interview, John confirmed that The Smiler will have ‘more inversions than any other roller coaster in the world’ and that there are a ‘lot of other hidden surprises’ on the ride.

If you weren’t able to listen to the interview live, you can listen again to the interview over on Dave’s Mixcloud site.

With the station now constructed and much of the ride in that area now hidden from view, speculation has been mounting over on our forums on just what guests could experience as part of the ride. Could there be a ‘world’s first’ on top of The Smiler’s record breaking number of inversions? Make sure you have your say over on TowersStreet Talk!

Construction updates and more

smiler3  smiler2  smiler1

With the heavy snow which hampered park operations and construction all but a distant memory, construction has been ramped up in recent days. Aside from some issues with heavy winds, track construction is progressing quickly and is close to completion. TowersStreet team members and our forum members have been posting the latest updates over on the construction updates topic on our forums and on our The Smiler minisite.

Updates are appearing ever more regularly as opening day approaches, and you can also keep up to date with major changes over on our Facebook and Twitter pages.