TowersStreet News

SW7 national press coverage kicks off with baaaffled farmers!

Friday 18 January 2013 8:48
Updated 12th February 2025

Advertising for Alton Towers’ new rollercoaster for 2013, SW7, has today started to make its way into the national press, in the form of this article in the Daily Mail. The article concerns sheep up and down the country who have been branded with the now familiar ‘smiling’ logo associated with both the Sanctuary scaremaze and SW7 itself.

Interestingly, the article does not specifically mention Alton Towers itself at all; instead, it claims people have attributed the symbol to aliens and other mythical powers, discussing them on Twitter with the hashtag #creepysheep.


This follows in the trend of marketing started earlier in the week, with members spotting the SW7 logo on posters and train stations everywhere from London to Leeds (see our Facebook page for more photos), again without any obvious link to Alton Towers. It is expected that this subtle marketing of the brand (in a similar style to that seen for Oblivion many years ago) will culminate in national advertising linking the face with Alton Towers and the new attraction, as many guests will have already seen it graffitied all around the park.

TowersStreet are extremely excited to see what more tricks the marketing department will have up their sleeve in the weeks to come, and we will be reporting all the latest appearances of the face as they appear, so be sure to like us on Facebook to be the first to know! Meanwhile, join in the fun over on our lively discussion forums!