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Eurovision 2024

"Eurovision is just politics now" - Franco has nothing to do with stealing the contest in 1968, yup, nope.

"It used to be about the song, not gimmicks" - Glossing over Bucks Fizz and those dresses.

"Eurovision was never controversial" - Dana International, Lordi, Conchita Wurst, Tel Aviv / Jerusalem, Lasha Tumbai, Portugal's military coup in 1974.

Eurovision is like Doctor Who, it evolves. Deep down there are still the awful costumes, dodgy effects and some of the best story telling you'll ever see on your television.
Sorry not to be directly Eurovision related, but to the 3 forum members laughing about a post challenging someone misgendering one of the contestants, what pleasure do you get from that?

I always thought we had a very inclusive community, and the inevitable “it’s just a joke” response I imagine this will garner isn’t really acceptable when actually LGBTQ+ are having a really shit time on and offline right now - we should really be past “man in a skirt” comments

To any admin, can this please be knocked on the head, it’s really not acceptable or inclusive conduct and really puts me off coming back to the forum

Anyway, congratulations to Nemo
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First time in living memory that I didn't watch it this year. It's just become too annoying for me now, especially the nature and relentlessness of the build-up by the BBC. Just like The Apprentice and other stuff like that they just become a bit too silly for me. So I just stop watching.
To any admin, can this please be knocked on the head, it’s really not acceptable or inclusive conduct and really puts me off coming back to the forum
What do you expect the admins to do? Someone made a post and people reacted to it. Banning them for expressing what they feel? Isn't that exactly what the LGBT+ community is fighting against?

Flag the post and I'm sure the admins will decide if the post should be removed or not.
What do you expect the admins to do? Someone made a post and people reacted to it. Banning them for expressing what they feel? Isn't that exactly what the LGBT+ community is fighting against?
A fair warning against discriminatory language or behaviour issued via DM would be a start. Gender identity is a protected characteristic in law. There’s been an undercurrent of less tolerance in a few passing comments for a while now and it’s making the forum a far less pleasant place to be

Also, it’s not that hard to just be a decent person and *not* misgender someone
I'm a casual viewer, but do try and watch it every year. Was severely lacking in bangers this year.

A few of us had a bet on Israel to not finish top 10 at 8/1. Was going great until the public vote.
A fair warning against discriminatory language or behaviour issued via DM would be a start. Gender identity is a protected characteristic in law. There’s been an undercurrent of less tolerance in a few passing comments for a while now and it’s making the forum a far less pleasant place to be

Also, it’s not that hard to just be a decent person and *not* misgender someone
I'm sorry, but I think you are being a bit over the top here...
"Naming and shaming" is a bit of a lowball move.
Loved this site, and all members on it, for many years.
Freedom of speech fits for all, leave moderating to the moderators, report messages if you wish...but leave the enlarged print to the shouters and shamers.
I deal with enough naughty blue rinses in my employment...as I tell them...we must all learn to tolerate the arguments of others, especially of other generations.
I have known the original poster for years, very decent person indeed.
Not racist, anti queer, anti anything, just a decent middle aged bloke who likes coasters...he can't help being out of touch on political correctness, he's a golf wanker.
Whatever happened to reasoned debate???
Bring out the humour police...again.
Unfortunately there’s no function to report laugh reacts on a post, or I would have done so. It is an emotive subject, and out of that upset where ultimately members mocked a gender identity that is personal to me , I did make the ill advised act of drawing specific attention to those who laugh reacted (I have removed this)

Age isn’t an excuse for very intentional behaviour either, and “freedom of speech” has never freed anyone from consequence of their words or actions

It’s fundamentally not humorous to mock gender identity in the same way it wouldn’t be humorous to mock someone’s race, religion, disability, or any other characteristic
Unfortunately there’s no function to report laugh reacts on a post, or I would have done so. It is an emotive subject, and out of that upset where ultimately members mocked a gender identity that is personal to me , I did make the ill advised act of drawing specific attention to those who laugh reacted (I have removed this)

Age isn’t an excuse for very intentional behaviour either, and “freedom of speech” has never freed anyone from consequence of their words or actions

It’s fundamentally not humorous to mock gender identity in the same way it wouldn’t be humorous to mock someone’s race, religion, disability, or any other characteristic
I was absolutely not mocking anyone at all, but I have removed my reaction. There have been many times where other members have reacted to my posts with the laugh when I never intended them to be funny, and although I don't understand what they found funny, I just deal with it and move on. I accept that my reaction was maybe insensitive and apologise for causing you upset, but please understand that it was entirely unintentional.
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Unfortunately there’s no function to report laugh reacts on a post, or I would have done so. It is an emotive subject, and out of that upset where ultimately members mocked a gender identity that is personal to me , I did make the ill advised act of drawing specific attention to those who laugh reacted (I have removed this)

Age isn’t an excuse for very intentional behaviour either, and “freedom of speech” has never freed anyone from consequence of their words or actions

It’s fundamentally not humorous to mock gender identity in the same way it wouldn’t be humorous to mock someone’s race, religion, disability, or any other characteristic
When you report a post, it asks for a comment. You could specify, if a similar event happens in the future, that you're reporting the post because you feel the reactions are inappropriate or being abused. I think the mods might find this acceptable.

It's also entirely possible that the laughing reactions could have been a jibe / a laugh at the OP's ignorance on the matter, rather than laughing at someone's misgendering. Whilst this also isn't entirely appropriate, as making a mockery of fellow members isn't cricket, it demonstrates that there could be more nuance at play.

Emotions run high on a topic such as this, which is understandable. It takes courage to call something which upsets you out. It takes even more courage to admit that maybe the way in which you call something out wasn't the best method. Well done on both of those counts.

I value your input on the many threads you get involved with, even if we don't see eye to eye on every detail. I hope that this incident hasn't made you feel unwelcome. 🪿
mamma mia GIF by ABBA

I call for a friendly ABBA-themed dance-off to quell the sparring.
When you report a post, it asks for a comment. You could specify, if a similar event happens in the future, that you're reporting the post because you feel the reactions are inappropriate or being abused. I think the mods might find this acceptable.

It's also entirely possible that the laughing reactions could have been a jibe / a laugh at the OP's ignorance on the matter, rather than laughing at someone's misgendering. Whilst this also isn't entirely appropriate, as making a mockery of fellow members isn't cricket, it demonstrates that there could be more nuance at play.

Emotions run high on a topic such as this, which is understandable. It takes courage to call something which upsets you out. It takes even more courage to admit that maybe the way in which you call something out wasn't the best method. Well done on both of those counts.

I value your input on the many threads you get involved with, even if we don't see eye to eye on every detail. I hope that this incident hasn't made you feel unwelcome. 🪿
Thankyou for your understanding.

I felt that if it were a real life interaction, and I were to challenge someone who called a non-binary individual a man, and then 3 other people laughed at me for doing so - that would obviously be unacceptable

Hopefully people can take a pause to think how their posts and reactions can come across to avoid these situations, but personally there’s been enough pervasive comments and actions over the last few months that I felt I needed to speak out
I really liked France, it’s a shame it didn’t win, but I guess Switzerland was okay.

I don’t know, it was well past my bedtime. Fell asleep before the winner was announced!
If you're getting offended because someone clicked on an emoji, you are the one with the problem.
Ok then, why *did* you laugh react when I pointed out a contestant was misgendered?

What exactly is funny about misgendering someone?

Explain it to me
I'm really not sure the excuse 'I'm stuck in the 80s' would fly as a defence for making a racist or sexist comment, not really sure why transphobic comments are any different?

Let's try to respect each other, even if you don't personally understand the significance of misgendering someone it's not really appropriate to laugh at someone who's just trying to promote inclusivity and acceptance.
For the line
"Maybe I am just stuck in the 80s".
But you laugh reacted to my post, not the initial post that I was addressing?

I’m going to disengage now, I’ve made my point.
If others don’t want to be honest about their intentions or make excuses that don’t tally up, I can’t do anything about that

Thankyou to the numerous posters who have been respectful with this topic