Following the updated guidance from the UK Government around Covid-19, we’ve taken the decision to postpone our opening meet at Alton Towers.
We realise how important it is to follow the advice on essential travel and avoiding large crowds, and so we hope to reschedule our meet when the risk of Covid-19 transmission is lower.
At present, the park is still due to open this coming weekend, however the decision to postpone our meet was made due to the large number of people attending as part of our group, from different areas around the country.
At present all other TowersStreet meets are going ahead as planned, but we’ll continue to assess the situation in line with updated UK Government advice on travel and large gatherings. If you are booking accommodation in advance for future meets, we would recommend booking flexible rates in case they need to be cancelled.
We’d love to see some good come out of the cancellation of this weekend’s meet, so if you can please consider donating to your local food bank. There are many vulnerable people who are reliant on them, and recent panic buying has resulted in stocks at many food banks running dangerously low. Check out your local food bank’s Facebook page to see if there is anything they urgently require.
Our forums of course remain up and running if you’d like to take part in discussion, and we’ll continue to keep everyone updated with any changes to the resort’s operations.