Dark Apocalypse
A deadly virus has spread across Forbidden Valley. Phalanx control has quarantined the area, however, a recent security breach has questioned their ability to contain the virus and keep society safe... Are you brave enough to face this scare zone?
When darkness falls, the virus takes over! With live actors roaming the area around Nemesis Sub Terra, you'll be faced with a gauntlet of zombies and infected security personnel as you make your way through Forbidden Valley. Theatrical smoke and dim lighting mean you're never really sure what's waiting around the corner...
Attraction History
The Dark Apocalypse first struck in 2015, replacing Zombies! Scare Zone and bringing Scarefest into Forbidden Valley for the first time. The attraction returned for the following season, which would be its last, with the Scare Zone being replaced instead by a new Scare Maze.