Towers Street Bar & Grill

Did anyone order a Towers St. Special? Towers Street Bar and Grill now only operates seasonal during busy periods and out-of-season special event. During the School Trip season, it also plays host to the Teachers Lounge.


The Towers Street Bar & Grill opened during the 2014 season, replacing The Towers Family Restaurant. The Grill only operated for two seasons, before closing at the end of 2015.

The bar section later reopened seasonally, operating at busier times from 2017 onwards, until 2020 when the bar closed to become home to a Refresh & Refill kiosk.

The Towers Street Bar & Grill made a surprise return for the 2021 Fireworks event before also operating during the following Christmas event.

Attraction Stats

24th May 2014
Annual Pass Discounts
