Waffles and Ices

Battling zombies worn you down? Then why not do battle with the waffles that lie at the heart of this kiosk...


Gloomy Wood - 2009

This kiosk in Gloomy Wood served tasty fresh hot waffles with various topping available, and boasted a wide selection of different ice creams.

Waffles and Ices opened part way into the 2007 season, in what had been park's fish and chips until Fresh Fish and Chips opened in Forbidden Valley. The small size of the unit made it more ideal for a dessert kiosk and the nearby Explorers Restaurant which only serves main courses) would often encourage its customer to follow up their meal with a trip to Waffles and Ices for their dessert.

In it's later years Waffles and Ices would often be closed on quieter days (and sometimes not so quiet days) so it was of little surprise when the unit closed permanently partway into 2015 to be replaced by the Nitrogenie ice cream counter.

Attraction Stats

Under £3
All Day Dining
