Fireworks mini meet 2015


Fireworks Mini Meet 2015….

Although there wouldn’t normally be pages created for what we class as mini meets during the season, we’re making an exception for Fireworks. Although our official meet is Sunday 8th November, please use this page to RSVP for the Friday and Saturday

When and where?

This page is for attendees on Friday 6th and Sunday 7th November. You’ll need our official meetup page for Sunday’s meetup.

Friday – We know many will be arriving from work or later in the day, so please use TowersStreet Chat to find out where people are on the day. We have a dedicated fireworks chat which can be used to communicate with people on the day without the need for ringing tens of mobile numbers, and the team will provide updates where possible.

In any case, you’ll find TowersStreet members at the bottom of Towers Street from around 6pm, on the raised area where the Scarefest letters were located over the last few weeks.

Saturday – Some people will be meeting in Splash Landings Hotel at 10am. If you’re there at any other time, then again please check TowersStreet Chat as above.

[meetups mid=’30’]