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Ride Availability/Operations 2022-25

I say that, it could've been a mistake with the app and it didn't open, but it's been set to "closed" for a couple weeks whereas it isn't now
I say that, it could've been a mistake with the app and it didn't open, but it's been set to "closed" for a couple weeks whereas it isn't now
More than likely, just hope they get Sub-terra operational before summer, as that could help with capacity with it being operational.
Did it even open last year? At this point it doesn’t exist in the ride lineup anymore
It did, albeit very briefly. I rode it on 25th March last year, and it closed not very long after that. I seem to remember 1st April 2023 being the last time it operated when I asked the other day?

I’ll agree with you that it feels like it’s been closed for ages, though. It feels like it’s hardly operated at all since about 2021.
And we all know what happened to Enterprise when that rarely operated
The difference there is that the park never made any indication of wanting to resurrect Enterprise, whereas the park have quite publicly indicated an intention to reopen Hex.

Bianca quite prominently advertised a reopened Hex in the start of season video, so it would be mildly embarrassing if the park u-turned on this and permanently removed it.
I rode it on the blue light card day where it was fine, no weird noises or issues. The sound was terrible and the lighting was poor inside the vault but otherwise ok.

It will come back.
Hex isn’t going to open no way so we’re technically down to nothing
Ethan, I’m not sure you have the evidence to state such things as fact? Your posts can come across quite abrasive at times, particularly when you continually put forth opinion as fact you can’t justify.


Today on park.

Wickerman on 3 trains running well, Th13teen on two trains running… as well as it can, Oblivion on single station 4 shuttles (that’s a guess through hazy recall as I didn’t actually count!), Smiler with a consistent 20 minute queue, and the rapids are back!

The only noteworthy thing for me was that Sub Terra had horrific throughputs when it finally opened late in the afternoon. I didn’t bother with what was stated as a 20 minute queue but the number of guests waiting was tiny…!
The only noteworthy thing for me was that Sub Terra had horrific throughputs when it finally opened late in the afternoon. I didn’t bother with what was stated as a 20 minute queue but the number of guests waiting was tiny…!
That's because it's only running three towers I believe.