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2018: Wicker Man - General Discussion - SPOILERS! - Part One

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The day they announce SW8 is also the day we learn of Colossos' fate at Heide Park....
I thought that they were announcing Colossos' fate on the 11th January, which is 3 days after. But if they are announcing it on the Monday, then maybe Merlin purposely made it so SW8 was announced to distract all the enthusiasts!
After seeing the fake fire in The Welcoming maze, I hope we see something like this (at 2:56) in the preshow or on the main theming structure (obviously without the launch)

Or maybe Towers are using American dates, and the ride will actually be announced on the 1st August. ;) Then, Merlin's world's first could be "world's first roller coaster to be announced after it opens!"
Actually because they used hyphens instead of forward slashes separating the numbers I did think it was an American date initially!
They could be edging their bets. And have it so aug is a backup. :D

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They could be edging their bets. And have it so aug is a backup. :D

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Wouldn't surprise me after past events *cough* Smiler *cough* ;)

On a serious note, I am almost certain that this ride will open in March.
Wouldn't surprise me after past events *cough* Smiler *cough* ;)
That's pretty dark :eek:

I know everyone knows the date doesn't really mean much to enthusiasts as far as Alton Towers goes, but what about GCI? As of yet, they (keeping to the meaning of secret) haven't even acknowledged the existence of SW8 on their websites and social media pages. Hopefully after the date they'll put some interesting stuff/statistics up about the ride. As of yet, do we even know they are using the millennium flyer trains or could it be a new model on the same track type? Does anyone think they will reveal all of this stuff, or will this happen later down the line perhaps when the season starts?
Aren't Millenium Flyers the only trains that GCI use?
Other than the rides that used PTCs prior to the invention of the Millennium Flyers in 1999 (I think?), yes.

On a side note, RCDB still hasn't acknowledged that the ride is a GCI...
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