Looks as thought the ITV *Actual construction footage* has gone down very well with the GP. People at work discussing it today saying it looks awesome. Just comparing the facebook reactions, the last Elliot Crawford vid got 261 'likes' and 106 comments in total. The ITV central vid was posted 2hrs ago by AT and has had 150k views, 1400likes and 1700 comments already - the vast majority of them positive about the ride even despite the Smiler stuff. There are a few 'wood is old fashioned and will break' type comments but the general consensus seems to be positive.
Its good to see them promoting the actual ride and showing some footage of it being built, I'd resigned myself to endless pointless runic videos and Z list celebrities endorsing it.
Lets hope the public reaction continues to be positive and it lights the way to an RMC for SW9!