It's looking good so far! The queue fencing looks much more detailed than on any other Towers attraction, the theming element looks great, the entrance, while a tad minimalistic, looks great for what it is and really fits with the vibe; the list of positives doesn't end with this project when compared with past ones at Alton Towers! Even though it's more of a family ride, which is probably the only negative from our point of view. It's not even that much of a negative! I love a good family coaster! But I'd now like to point out a few stray observations and ask a few questions:
- Is it just me, or does it look as though you go back outside after the pre-show before you reach the station? I hope not, as I think it would ruin the immersion a bit.
- The area seems far more open than when the Flume was there. Great!
- That solitary Mutiny Bay-themed Ben & Jerry's stand now looks a bit lonely without the Mexican Cantina there. They also look to have removed the seating area and the paving, which is interesting to say the least. I do think that they should have themed this in the style of the SW8 buildings (aka dark green wood), but this is just me being ultra-picky.
- Is the SW8 path going to be open again next season?
- The ride actually looks quite good and thrilling from the aerial view! My optimism levels have risen slightly for the ride itself!
- The ride seems to continue the Merlin trend of having one dominant theming element (e.g. Smiler: The Marmaliser, Galactica: The Portal, SW8: The Wicker Man thingy that hasn't been named yet), which isn't necessarily a bad thing, as this theming element looks great!
So, in conclusion, my current thoughts on the project: Great! If my only criticism theming-wise so far is that they haven't rethemed the Ben & Jerry's stand, then my message to Merlin is: You're doing great with SW8 so far! Now get the closed rides open again (Toadstool & Sub Terra) and 2018 could be a winning season for Alton! I think this, while probably not the best ride in the park, will be a solid family coaster for all ages, like Thirteen.
On a side note, I'm surprised at the sudden influx of aerial photos. Now all we need is an aerial testing video. Have you got any drones handy from Smiler, TowersTimes? Although soon, Alton Towers will probably be like this to anyone who dares fly a helicopter or drone over the park (Skip to 1:05):
On a final side note, I don't think this will be the best ride in the park, even though this post might imply I do. I reckon the highest this ride will possibly come is 3rd behind Nemmy and Smiler.
P.S. Sorry for the long post.