Lol you all need to lighten up about that article and not take things like that so seriously and read it in the spirit it’s intended.
People are so quick to get defensive about the theme park industry they forget to look outside it’s safety bubble(works)
Also, people need to stop naively saying there is no connection to the Wicker Man film. Of course it’s not a an IP, but do any of you realistically think that when this theme was sketched out that nobody during the design process considered a link to the film, and that there is a possibility people would collate the two?
Like it or it, Wicker Man is a brand, of an isolated and sinister self-sufficient community luring a person(s) in to be a sacrifice. The less said about the kinky and incestuous orgies the better. AT knowingly developed this theme against that backdrop. It’s potentially clever, is very unique, but anybody who isn’t a defensive enthusiast will be thinking of that film when they ride the coaster.