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To me it is simple.
If they want to use world first titles, they should create world first coasters.

If they want to use world first titles, they should create world first coasters.
ive actually just heard from a worker that there has been no action taken from any ASE complaint.
I think the whole marketing campaign around the ride has been sub par.
If it was me I would have been doing random idents in tv ads from December, nothing to em just 3 people in cloaks walking up a hill.
Then in the middle of January more idents of them dropping their hoods and pointing and chanting
then some sort of flash mob style event in london where people in cloaks gather in Trafalgar square chanting (at this time announce the ride properly under SW8) and round the country have the Wickerman logo sprayed into flooring and on bilboards but again no text or anything
then release the whole ad in February of the people in the cloaks chanting pointing at the ride and showing snippets of the ride
Just to add to the throughput discussion, Air has never, or ever will reach 1500 pph. The highest ever recorded dispatch count is 50 crafts in one hour, and 50 x 28 is 1400. Of course realistically it never got that many dispatches on a regular basis so the typical throughput was around 1300 pph in the mid naughties.
It's total crap and unacceptable. Deliberately designed to sell more Fastrack.
I'm sorry but that is a load of rubbish. A 4 across B&M coaster is always going to have a significantly better throughput than a 2 across wooden coaster. Wooden coaster are fairly inefficient when to comes to moving people.
What difference does the construction material make?
Th13teen - 2 across seating - 1300 pph.
Wooden coasters are slow and faffy between entering the initial brakes and coming to a final stop in the station. Then when the train does reach the station it goes in, nearly gets to the end, stops, and then creeps forward again to the final parking position.
It takes a lot longer to get from the brakes on Wodan to the station than it does say on something like Silver Star.
If they had deliberately designed Wicker Man to have low throughputs so they can sell more fastrack then why would they bother wasting money on a third train? Bizzare.
For throughput, the best like for like I can think of is the Big Dipper, I don't know the numbers but the queue shifts on two pretty well, so it should be ok on three.
Sounds like a crap system and ancient way of doing things. I mean you have trains rolling on a track - could be made with carrots and wheels of potatos, and it wouldn't make a difference. You have a moving vehicle and must stop it somewhere.
Just checked Wodan on RCDB and says there the capacity is 1250 per hour. Whether or not that is what it consistantly runs at doesn't matter. Towers have desinged a ride at 20% lower capacity than this.
For the sole purpose of selling more Fastrack.![]()
I doubt they would engineer a ride to sell more Fastrack, more just ineptitude on the designers' behalf in how to get titanic throughputs.
I sat for an hour with my former business partner one a relatively busy day not long after The Smiler opened, we had coffee and a chat while counting the number of people going handing over tickets through the Fastrack entrance. Based on the price at the time, we estimated they raked over £10,000 in that day just on The Smiler alone. They've done higher than this number on busier days when the tickets were at £10 each.
So would they tailor a ride in favour of pushing more sales when there is this amount of money at stake? It's an absolute certainty, and probably reasonably high up on the priorities list.