@PeteA - i don't disagree with a lot of what you say, but you have to be consistent in your outrage. The industry has been full of dubious claims for decades - why are we drawing the line here, particularly for such an ill defined claim. It is doing something fairly different that what we haven't seen prior. They could argue this is the first fusion of wood and fire, the others were just playing at it. Just like they argued Oblivion had a vertical drop - did you say that in your book? (a question - not an accusation).
I have no outrage whatsoever Rick

Oblivion should not have been advertised as the first vertical drop coaster (more like the steepest drop would have been better), Air should not have been advertised as the Worlds first flying coaster and it was misleading to say Rita was from 0-100 as we use Mph in the UK, rather than the Kmh on the advertising.
You are correct the industry has been full of these kind of claims and I have always said that is wrong, but have I ever complained to the ASA? No. I haven't funnily enough, but maybe I should have or should do in the future. For people who know me, they can vouch that back in 1993 / 1994 I was commenting about the Big One not being 235ft high
But my point is very clear, no company should mislead the public with regards to advertising. It doesn't matter if its a little lie or a huge great fib, its wrong. It doesn't matter if its a small coffee shop in New York claiming they have the worlds best coffee to Apple having adverts banned for misleading us. It is all wrong and should not be allowed, irrespective of who or what its for.
Just because the industry has been misleading the public for years, doesn't make it acceptable now in 2018
Which advert below do you think is more acceptable? A CGI depiction of Alton Towers with no real footage of rides, or Drayton Manor's attempt, which is actually showing the park. I think you can guess which one I prefer.

Whats the ASA's website address again