From what we've seen, I'm going to make a bold 2-in-1 statement about this ride. I personally feel that as a themed experience, this is the best themed and most immersive roller coaster that Alton Towers, and probably the UK, has ever produced, both in the Tussauds era and the Merlin era. I'm not counting the John Broome era because none of the coasters built by John Broome were really themed as such. I know that many people will say to me "but how does this beat Nemesis' monster and landscaping, and Oblivion's queue line and bass soundtrack, and The Swarm's wreckage theming and fire effect?" My answer to that question is; think about it this way. Has any other roller coaster in Britain ever had this level of detail put into the finer nuances of the theming as Wicker Man has? Does any other roller coaster in Britain have effects as stunning as Wicker Man's, or a pre-show for that matter? In my personal opinion, the answer to both of those is no, but people are open to their own opinion. It doesn't matter if you think Wicker Man is the worst experience coaster ever created! It's your opinion!
The other statement I am going to make is that I feel that this is one of the best, if not the best, themed wooden roller coaster on the planet. The only competitors I can think of to Wicker Man in terms of a heavily themed wooden roller coaster are Wodan at Europa Park, Apocalypse at SFMM, and to a slightly lesser extent, Joris at Efteling. OK, I should probably count Mystic Timbers at Kings Island too, but only due to the Shed. Other than that, I can't think of any wooden roller coasters with more than a very loose theme. Now I've said that, someone will probably mention an awesome themed woodie I've forgotten about

. Now, I will admit that I am drawing all of this from photos and what people have said. I will not be making a proper, personal judgement of my own until I step off the ride and into the gift shop. Anyway, I will admit that Wodan and Apocalypse have better-looking queues than Wicker Man, so they immediately have a slight advantage, but I think it all depends on how the pre-show turns out. Also, it partly depends whether they put something in the maintenance shed a la Mystic Timbers. But from what we have seen, Wicker Man looks like one of the best themed wooden roller coasters on Earth to me, simply due to the effects, which look stunning, and the heavy reliance on story.
Please bear in mind the phrase
"roller coaster" in these sentences. Of course I'm not trying to suggest that Wicker Man is the best themed
ride in the UK, as names such as Hex and Valhalla, amongst others, spring to mind as better themed rides in the UK alone.
So, that's my 2 in 1 statement. Let me know if you agree with me, or if you think I'm completely bonkers! Overall, though, I'm just pumped for the 17th March, when the first public reviews flow in!
P.S. Sorry for the long, controversial post.