I'm sorry but in a couple of your posts you've let your mask slip there! Are you seriously implying that a so called "VIP" pass holder should stick 2 fingers up to decent paying guests stood in a queue just because of the views of a few people on a forum most guests, "VIP's" included, have never heard of?
Let's get real here. So called "VIP" pass holders don't have a problem with views expressed on this forum. Neither do many of them appear to have some fascination with getting unlimited fast track on a ride that NO terms and conditions state they have any right to. YOU do appear to hold those views however, but let's not pretend that you are representing an entire pass holding community and that what you are presenting here is fact.
The facts are simple.
People who own a so called “VIP" pass are NOT in fact Very Important People, they are people who have paid £700 or whatever it is to a company for a product. Something which many of us, me included, could do tomorrow quite easily. If I wanted to, I have enough disposable income to do so right now as I type this, but I wouldn't be buying importance, I would be buying a product. I don't have a problem with that, but "VIP" is the (irresponsible) BRAND of the product, and not it's descriptive definition. So let's not get carried away with thinking a holder of a certain pass can just make up the rules as they go along shall we? There is no "attitude" towards "VIP's" on this forum, rather an attitude toward the product itself, its vendor and the observed behaviour of SOME of it's customers. A so called "VIP" pass holder isn't some kind of oppressed ethnic or religious creed or breed of people, just customers who have bought a product! Which leads me neatly to my next fact....
Until Merlin confirmed it (as has been rather smugly pointed out in my view), NO so called "VIP" pass holders had any rights to unlimited fast track on Wickerman WHATSOEVER. That's because before this announcement, no fast track was available on Wickerman, a fact that has been pointed out a number of times in this thread. So I fail to see where this sense of entitlement to it comes from. There are no T&C's anywhere that entitle anyone to unlimited fast track on a ride where no fast track option is available. I'm afraid that in my view, this is evidence of the whole "Very Important Person" thing going to people's heads, so much so that they feel they are elevated to some powerful position where they can make up the park rules for themselves because they paid a few hundred notes for a public limited company to brand them "Important".
Thirdly, "most" so called "VIP's" will not "literally" reride wickerman because of this forum, something which, reading this back, I'm sure would agree should probably be retracted. I really wish people would stop abusing the world "literally" as you have done, you can't use the word to then go on to state something which is (literally) then NOT literal.