Not true. 4PM closures, next to zero entertainment, closed rides, derelict areas and wound down operations are killing the park.
I've said this time and time again, the whole crash thing is over stated as an excuse - it's yesterday's news and not even today's chip paper. Very few people who are likely to visit the park actually care about this dead story anymore, they more care about what they're getting in return for their £55.
^The crash continues to have a signficant impact, it is still very hard (but not impossible) to get friends to agree to come to Alton Towers as is often percieved as being unsafe.
Everything has been designed for your comfort, and enjoyment.This ride is perfectly safe.
Nonsense. The crash continues to gain media coverage (Daily Mail uploaded videos about it just today) and is engrained into the minds of many people when thinking about Alton Towers. It was covered non-stop on the national news for weeks, that's unprecedented for most internal affairs stories! It's almost always the first thing people say to me when I mention Alton Towers.very few people other than the poor victims, enthusiasts and the odd attention seeking social media muppet even remember the crash.
It was not covered non stop by REPUTABLE national news coverage for weeks at all. After a few BBC, Sky and ITN headlines it was relegated mostly to footnotes of sleazy tabloids that intelligent people read for fun and only thick people take as gospel.Nonsense. The crash continues to gain media coverage (Daily Mail uploaded videos about it just today) and is engrained into the minds of many people when thinking about Alton Towers. It was covered non-stop on the national news for weeks, that's unprecedented for most internal affairs stories! It's almost always the first thing people say to me when I mention Alton Towers.
That being said, from what I've seen, Wicker Man is really grabbing the attention of many people which is a positive![]()
It was not covered non stop by REPUTABLE national news coverage for weeks at all. After a few BBC, Sky and ITN headlines it was relegated mostly to footnotes of sleazy tabloids that intelligent people read for fun and only thick people take as gospel.
As for the Daily Mail - well, how many Daily Mail readers do you think where actually likely to visit the park? 70 year old, right wing, wealthy, homophobic racists who believe what they read in archaic newspapers don't tend to be Alton Towers target audience.
The fact still remains that people will come for this ride, but may be deterred from returning by the contradictory overall experience of the rest of the park.
Please re-read post #5886 where I actually admitted that it did. My argument is, and always has been, that the Smiler crash is used as an over exaggerated excuse to run a shit theme park. I also never mentioned Sub Terra once.Okay......
You are most obviously correct, the crash has had no effect on the park.
25% drop in attendance must have been due to the closure of Sub-Terra.
Anywayyyy, Wicker Man anyone?
I think the GP are aware of more than a lot of us give them credit for. Maybe not always even fully aware, but at least 'feel' the park isn't what it used to be. Ripsaw and Sub Terra being closed and not being replaced they will definitely take notice of.My point is, most of the general public who visit the park won't pick up on the things that we as enthusiasts pick up on. Yes, people will still know when a ride is missing eg. Ripsaw, and then again with the original staggered opening times,