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2018: Wicker Man - General Discussion - SPOILERS! - Part One

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Whilst looking through the planning application I found this, It's weird that they should put vending machines in the queue, the only ride that only has vending machines in the queueline is the rapids at the moment and before anyone starts saying it could just be drinks, well if that was true wouldn't we see the whole site installed with them. Also the old flume heaters aren't being taken down. Another thing I want to point out is the 'plaza' area having the floor done like galactica's but this time with wood chippings.
Whilst looking through the planning application I found this, It's weird that they should put vending machines in the queue, the only ride that only has vending machines in the queueline is the rapids at the moment and before anyone starts saying it could just be drinks, well if that was true wouldn't we see the whole site installed with them. Also the old flume heaters aren't being taken down. Another thing I want to point out is the 'plaza' area having the floor done like galactica's but this time with wood chippings.

Spinball Whizzer has vending machines as well IIRC.
Whilst looking through the planning application I found this, It's weird that they should put vending machines in the queue, the only ride that only has vending machines in the queueline is the rapids at the moment and before anyone starts saying it could just be drinks, well if that was true wouldn't we see the whole site installed with them. Also the old flume heaters aren't being taken down. Another thing I want to point out is the 'plaza' area having the floor done like galactica's but this time with wood chippings.

Sorry if I'm missing the obvious, but what's the point your making? Water features?
Galactica/air also has vending machines in the queue line. Well they certainly did until last year.

Sorry, don't think this means anything,

Oblivion also used to have them.
Galactica/air also has vending machines in the queue line. Well they certainly did until last year.

Sorry, don't think this means anything,

Oblivion also used to have them.
Oblivion still does underneath the station

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Whilst looking through the planning application I found this, It's weird that they should put vending machines in the queue, the only ride that only has vending machines in the queueline is the rapids at the moment and before anyone starts saying it could just be drinks, well if that was true wouldn't we see the whole site installed with them. Also the old flume heaters aren't being taken down. Another thing I want to point out is the 'plaza' area having the floor done like galactica's but this time with wood chippings.

Were they not the vending machines that were already in the queueline for the Flume? Maybe they're just reusing them to save money?

Fair shout for noticing that the heaters are still there though. There is the possibility that they could still go for a wooden coaster that interacts with water. A water hybrid/water features would be interesting for a wooden coaster.
Whilst looking through the planning application I found this, It's weird that they should put vending machines in the queue, the only ride that only has vending machines in the queueline is the rapids at the moment and before anyone starts saying it could just be drinks, well if that was true wouldn't we see the whole site installed with them. Also the old flume heaters aren't being taken down. Another thing I want to point out is the 'plaza' area having the floor done like galactica's but this time with wood chippings.
That particular document is to show the major demolitions taking place as part of the development so it overlays the existing site plan with the proposals. Neither the vending machines or dryers are shown on the proposed site plan.
Maybe the application for the removal of the flume is a decor to what really is going to happen, maybe we are getting a woodie /flume ride, hybrid cars that halfway around sends you along the old flume before you rejoin the wooden tack again. Explains why the flume hasn't been demolished.

Probably very unlikely, but I can keep dreaming :);)
Rita's queueline shop has also been replaced with vending machines this season. The queueline shops have barely been open this season and vending machines don't require staff members to operate.

I still think the lack of any water on the plans is a clear indication that there won't be any form of water interaction.

To get people through the park yesterday after the fireworks, they opened the SW8 gate that leads go the path next to the flume. Are they planning to use this with SW8, as it took a lot of stress from the path to FV, and the pass isn't as steep.
To get people through the park yesterday after the fireworks, they opened the SW8 gate that leads go the path next to the flume. Are they planning to use this with SW8, as it took a lot of stress from the path to FV, and the pass isn't as steep.

I'm pretty sure that path will be no more once SW8 construction begins. It's a good point though, that path is very useful in getting people out of the park when they host events.

I'm pretty sure that path will be no more once SW8 construction begins. It's a good point though, that path is very useful in getting people out of the park when they host events.


I think it's a useful path full stop. I've always wanted to see that pathway opened and get dressed up a little, put a few shops along there and a nice little bridge going over the rapids near to the Gloomy Wood side.

I think it would have been better to have SW8's entrance on that side, leaving the side with the old Flume entrance as a viewing platform and seating area for the foot outlets.
Oh no, Things do not look good for SW8, but they look good for us as the council are forcing the park to show the theming.

Info from TowersTimes:
This is from the letter granting permission for SW8:

..the relevant part of the development hereby approved shall not be installed until full details and samples of the external materials and finishes and hard surfacing to be used in that part of the development have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Details to include the ride station/maintenance/shop building, theming envelopes/ features, track, support stanchions, fencing, acoustic screens, tunnel and ride cars. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


...The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced, with the exception of demolition, until such time as a scheme for the provision of foul drainage and surface water drainage works, based on sustainable drainage principles, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The drainage works shall be completed in accordance with the details and timetable agreed.


...Prior to any below ground works of the development commencing a written scheme of archaeological investigation ('the Scheme') shall be submitted for the written approval of the Local Planning Authority. The Scheme shall provide details of the programme of archaeological works to be carried out within the site, including post-excavation reporting and appropriate publication and on site interpretation. The Scheme shall thereafter be implemented in full in accordance with the approved details.
Reason:- To safeguard archaeological interests
I think it's a bit stange SW8 can't start but I think it may be due The Smiler incident and not having repeat, the council are trying to make sure the ride can operate in high winds etc.
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Oh no, Things do not look good for SW8, but they look good for us as the council are forcing the park to show the theming.

Info from TowersTimes:

I think it's a bit stange SW8 can't start but I think it may be due The Smiler incident and not having repeat, the council are trying to make sure the ride can operate in high winds etc.

I think... reading between the lines... this basically says "either get your sh!t together or you ain't building it" :D:D:D
To be fair, the council don't care about the Smiler incident they just don't want a giant pink phallus built for the station! Everything in that letter seems very standard: "don't start until you tell us how it's going to look, what you're going to do about dirty water from the site and are there any historically significant artefacts buried beneath the ride"

any historically significant artefacts buried beneath the ride"
That seems the most likely for SW8 , because I totally can't think of any other rides that say that. :p *cough* *cough* Hex 13/Rita, Nemesis, Nemesis Sub Terra, Sub Species,Blade/Ripsaw... The list goes on forever
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