TS Team
- Favourite Ride
- Steel Vengeance
Have they, though?they've used the space well to maximise what they've fit in
Have they, though?they've used the space well to maximise what they've fit in
Did it no say in an earlier document that that was going to be a smokehouse restaurant?If I've worked it out correctly looking at the demolition information they dont appear to be demolishing the flumes station trough or station structure. The coaster track seems to go around the flume station site. It says there will be a thematic structure in the exact location of The Flume station with the same size and shape. Perhaps they are going to use the structure for some purpose..?
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Well, that's the top of the lift hill, and it is sat on the highest point of the site, so that's a good use of space to me? If the site was flat, the ride could do something else in this area potentially, but it isn't. Nemesis and Air are similar to this in terms of lift hill layout. Most of the rest of the site for this has either theming, building or coaster on it. To make this substantially longer they would have had to go over the rapids / katanga lake area, which may have needed additional lift hill or launch (higher lift hill would probably make planning less likely as it would be above canopy height.)Have they, though?
Correct. No better time to build one whilst morons who think Galactica stopping on the lift hill is akin to a near death experience will be visiting the park anyway. I would strongly suspect that the "market research" that suggested people didn't trust wooden coasters never gets mentioned again.I suppose that anyone who see wooden coasters as unsafe will also be the people who avoid the park for being unsafe anyway. Don't think they've got much to lose here.
The Nickelodeon Streak looks more thrilling than this... Wasn't that built in the 30's?
this looks like it could be a relatively accurate NL2 model of it:
it's got one bit right, though- the launched lift hill.Unfortunately that NL2 sim doesn't relate at all to the current plans, I'd be intrigued to see someone make it up according to what we can see! I'll admit to not being at all NL2 fluent so won't be doing it myself.
I appreciate everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I have to take a step back and admit... We're not the target audience for this!