We all know they can't build above tree height, yet there are far bigger, taller, longer woodies built with nothing on this apparent level of excavation. Would like to see it from a steeper angle.
I know this is a family thrill ride, and that the plans we have seen look a little underwhelming, but the size of the holes, look like an early clue to the size of the budget and the groundbreaking claim. It's probably, just ready to be filled with concrete due to the unstability of the site, but SW8 is now peaking my interest for the first time...
SW3 World's best coaster (in my opinion).
SW4 First dive machine and utterly terrifying.
SW5 Impressive new technology and a unique experience (though surpassed very quickly elsewhere).
SW6 A coaster that looked underwhelming on the plans, that was mismarketed to a thrill audience despite being family friendly, but which had a unique at the time world's first element (which consumed a lot of the budget and in my view would have been better spent on a longer lay out), but which has grown on me and is now good for what it is,a FUN family thrill ride.
SW7 A world record breaking coaster of a genuine impressive size and length, with high thrills, and poor construction that we as enthusiasts would rate higher were it not for the invincible Nemesis just a quarter of a mile away.
No SW project has been just another coaster in a line of coasters.
So where does that leave SW8. It doesn't look huge, it doesn't look terrifying, it does look family thrill and could be a lot of fun if done right... but that SW tag... Some SW projects have been better than others, but they have all been either world beating (NEMESIS), record breaking (SMILER), or innovative (THIRTEEN, AIR AND OBLIVION).
A lot of enthusiasts believe that the SW tag has been devalued, but I still think that SW8 is not going to be just another GCI woody, albeit smaller, lower and shorter. A GCI woody this size does not cost £15 million and I think they are out to surprise us somewhere. Presumably, the people in charge will have a point to prove coming out of JW''s shadow.
I think that SW8 WILL be "groundbreaking". As to whether or not it will be groundbreaking in an amazing, imaginative or ride enhancing way or a we did it so we can say it's a world's first, but it doesn't justify the budget type of way I don't know.
But as already mentioned... this project is starting to look more interesting.