Personally as well I won't miss the flume, hardly ever get the right weather for me to want to do it. If it is really hot there is Battle Galleons for those who want to get soaked and then Rapids if you just want a fun water ride.
Hopefully we will get a new water boat ride to replace Charlie soon and potentially that could have an outdoor drop finale and hopefully with adjustable splash depending on the weather.
This was exactly my gripe when they built Battle Galleons. I couldn't understand the need for 3 "wet" rides (4 if you included Ripsaw) in the British climate, something that for most people is only acceptable for maybe a dozen days of the year, and hence why I've only been on it once in it's 10 year history. Rapid's I can get away with, even at Halloween and Fireworks, because it's typically not all that wet unless you're unlucky. The thrill of the Rapids seems to be the
threat of getting wet, not actually riding it to get wet.
Water rides as a people mover system are perfectly fine I think, like CATCF for example, but this brings me to another point:
I don't want to moan about AT I really don't but if you look at the wider Merlin group they are coaster obsessed. They are all about a quick dollar and not a true experience
Every time Merlin attempt some other form of ride experience it's met with disappointment. DBGT being the latest.
Merlin are keen to keep repeating to us how they are the biggest and best in the leisure and entertainment business, but that key word "entertainment" is something they lack the skills for. I think in the parks early days under Tussauds things were different. Tussauds were a company primarily from theatre and entertainment, finding themselves having a go at building rides and running theme parks. It worked!
Now the tables have turned and we have a company that has no real experience in entertainment or showmanship. They can just about manage to throw together a lump of steel with a few loops, give it a mediocre theme, and end up with something that generates a luke warm response at best.
I mean look at Merlin's history of theme parks. Have they ever built a single coaster that generated any real level of enthusiasm after it opened? The Smiler
almost hit the spot, but we all know how that turned out.