Totally agree with all the above, this is a massive disappointment, I'm absolutely gutted. And at 43 I've probably been waiting longer than most on this forum, it's always been a sad little dream of mine that one day Alton Towers would build an amazing woodie and this really doesn't cut it for all! But then what can we expect really, the park have noise restrictions, height restrictions and a ton of red tape. Sorry to be so negative but what is the future of Alton Towers? A cross valley would really have put them back at the top, this just reinforces my belief that other parks will be the ones pushing for big projects and tall scream machines and Alton will always struggle. And sadly they may even become a second thought for those craving the latest in roller coasters, Blackpool have sealed it, maybe Paramount in the future, I feel Alton are going down, rant over.