Have we definitely ruled out World's First Stand-up wooden rollercoaster? I'm assuming there isn't already such a beast in existence.
Not as I'd be particularly happy about that, but it's the only thing now that I can think of that would earn it its SW status.
The change in lift-hill incline seems to be over the track below it, possibly to ensure there's enough clearance height-wise for a (taller) train to pass below.
Also, it would explain the shallow drops and lack of big airtime hills, as a ride like Megafobia with steeper drops and airtime hills would be pretty uncomfortable standing up.
And wasn't a stand-up coaster on that site planned then scrapped a few years back?
It would certainly work as a marketing gimmick to the casual visitor, even if enthusiasts might be aghast at such a concept.
And also, the 'keep your ear to the ground' wording would make sense, because as you hurtled around the low banked curves in a standing position, your ear certainly would feel close to the ground
I'll be quite happy to be proved wrong in this case however, as I would rather AT's first woodie to be a decent, sit-down rollercoaster with no gimmicks; just an awesome ride. But as it stands, the track layout seems average at best.
And if it does turn out to do exactly what it says on the tin so far and nothing else, it'll be the first SW without at least some element of World first, European first or unique feature.
Perhaps SW = Standup Woodie
Think I'd rather VR