TS Member
Nothing so far has indicated that SW8 would differ from the plans apart from the usual enthusiast hype that somehow gets passed off as actual rumours.
To be ever so slightly pedantic, there are some elements of the ride already which differ from the plans, particularly from the sectional elevations. If you look back at all of the sections, there are a few things that stand out:
-The bottom of the first drop is not as low on the original sections, in reality the top of the bents is very close to existing / proposed ground level, whereas the plans show the bottom of the drop stopping a few meters above ground.
-The sound tunnel starts immediately after the top of the lift hill in reality, whereas on the plans it was shown to start slightly around the first bend
-The bents are all shown as flat on the sections, there isn't a single banking bent, whereas there are some significant banking sections already constructed
-The excavation on the proposed levels plan is all shown to be around the station and bottom of main drop / lifthill (in yellow), whereas on site there is a significant excavation at the bottom of where the old flume final drop was located (last main drop on SW8)
I'm not suggesting that this means that we'll get an uber launch or hidden tunnel, but what is being built does look more exciting than the plans suggested initially and based on what has been built alreadt the plans can only be treated as a general indication of finished product (the plan arrangement / location of the foundations incidentally is almost exactly as per the as built, but the as built are strip footers, whereas the plans showed concrete circular piles for each bent.)