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[2024] Europa-Park General Discussion

Booked a trip to Europa Park for the 20th and 21st of October, and can see now that it'll be a school holiday in France and half of Germany (not the region Europa Park is located in). Are these two days (it's a Sunday and Monday) likely to be incredibly busy, and if so what is the park like on a busy day?
It's the busiest time of the season, so it will probably be pretty jammed. Nonetheless, you'll probably get two long days, opening times wise, and as is often said in this thread, there's no park in the world that deals with crowds better than EP. Get into the park at opening, keep refreshing VirtualLine (especially for Voltron) and eat lunch before noon. The atmosphere in October is really something. :)
It's the busiest time of the season, so it will probably be pretty jammed. Nonetheless, you'll probably get two long days, opening times wise, and as is often said in this thread, there's no park in the world that deals with crowds better than EP. Get into the park at opening, keep refreshing VirtualLine (especially for Voltron) and eat lunch before noon. The atmosphere in October is really something. :)
Thanks for the tips! Hopefully with all the ride capacity and quality of operations it isn't just two days of queuing, then.
If there’s ever a park I’d want to be in on an abnormally busy day, it’s Europa Park!

Lines may end up being long, but their operations are so fast that they’ll at least move quickly and shouldn’t get obscene, and there is also quite a considerable plethora of filler attractions that should almost guaranteeably have a short to walk on wait!