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[2024] Thorpe Park: Hyperia - Mack Hypercoaster

Great interview with Russ Gains here..

From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNl-phgw6QU&t=848s

Same guys that interviewed Bianca in that excellent podcast not long ago. Hats off to 'Off the tracks'.
These guys are excellent, their interview style and delivery is so, so good. Their videos do not feel like interviews, they feel like relaxed conversations between friends, that dynamic comes across from both sides so well, it shines so well because everyone is being their self and speaking about what they are so passionate about, without compromise.

I have to big up Lift Hills and Thrills too, this bloke must work so hard to get content out to the public so fast, if I want to know something on the day of a new ride, this man is the man that will deliver, within hours. His Hyperia video is great.

From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96xLuQbGCBA&t=1273s

Probably best to point out, I am not affiliated and do not know any of these people personally, nothing is endorsed, this is just my personal opinion. I appreciate great, meaningful content.

Everyone heading to Thorpe Park today....have a wonderful day!
From what I'm hearing on the outside is that it is a ride of two extremes in which ride-wise it is a masterpiece but theming-wise or styled depending on who you ask is utter crap. I'm unlikely to be there this year or anytime soon but I hope those who are there enjoy it.

On a more amusing note after watching that opening ceremony is how I said that a returning Air could have a Goddess theme that protects Forbidden Valley from Nemesis, Thorpe have only gone and copied my damn idea for Hyperia regarding a Goddess! Hey Merlin, I want my royalties! :p
Here's the TPWW review:

- Queue line has a shop
- They went on it 5 times
- First ride (front row) they said it was the best coaster in the UK.
- Criticised lack of theming by calling it "stylised". The priority was getting the ride open and you don't notice the lack of landscaping whilst on the ride.
- Second ride back row, third ride middle. Front row was favourite after fifth ride.
- Said the ride doesn't feel too short as existing elements are "epic".
- "Best stall in the world"
- Overview of the merch near the end

From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SB4-WsQN_U
I see there’s already been massive queues from early doors to get in the park.

This is going to be like nemesis isn’t it, 6 hour queue for the early birds and then the lunchtime arrivals can just get in after an hour. I’d be interested to see if it’s a queue muncher or not with it having such a short ride time
How many trains do they have/will have running at once?
The ride will have 2 trains.
I’d be interested to see if it’s a queue muncher or not with it having such a short ride time
I’ve heard promising things. I’ve heard multiple people say that the throughput was pretty decent when it ran on 2, albeit got quite poor when the ride went down to 1 train and started having issues.
Thorpe have been really lucky with the weather, it's been rotten up north. I've watched several vlogs from the press day and what a great opening event. Thorpe have been on the up for the last few years and they really have a strong offering now Hyperia is open. I get the impression from the park manager that one or two flat rides will be coming in the nest couple of seasons. A supporting flat for Hyperia makes alot of sense.

Thorpe now have an excellent coaster lineup. I think they are only missing one type of coaster....