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[2024] Thorpe Park: Hyperia - Mack Hypercoaster

I do think with all the national press attention the closure has gotten that once it has reopened the park should be more forthcoming with what made them close it. If only to instill confidence in the general public who may now be more hesitant to ride.

The ride will be rammed as soon as it reopens. Even the Smiler was packed when that re opened, that was after a very serious and life changing accident, which by the way, was also before the cause had been made public and was in the news and media way more than this.

So nope, I don't buy that argument. The public clearly will not be bothered and will ride this. I mean why would they be? Rides break all the time. Like, all the time. We, (the public) are used to it. But if we don't care after a major accident on a ride, then I fail to see that this will.

For many, many reasons the park should and will stay quiet. The public will be the very least of their concerns.
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The ride will be rammed as soon as it reopens. Even the Smiler was packed when that re opened, that was after a very serious and life changing accident, which by the way, was also before the cause had been made public and was in the news and media way more than this.

So nope, I don't buy that argument. The public clearly will not be bothered and will ride this. I mean why would they be? Rides break all the time. Like, all the time. We, (the public) are used to it. But if we don't care after a major accident on a ride, then I fail to see that this will.

For many, many reasons the park should and will stay quiet. The public will be the very least of their concerns.
Absolutely...the announcement will be something very like...


We are pleased to announce that our signature new ride reopens from today.
We are sorry for the recent closure, but the health and safety of our clients must remain our top priority at all times.
Teeting troubles have hopefully been fully ironed out, our procedures were followed to the letter, ensuring customer safety was never compromised in any way.
The ride may only open for limited hours, due to additional safety checks through the day to ensure the safety of all our customers.
Thank you for your patience.
You will be pleased to hear fasttrack one shots are now available, to shaft you for an extra twenty pounds.
Pay up, or get in the three hour queue over there."

I have a similar thirteen apology nailed up in my outside bog.
And a Thorpe one saying bogs closed because they are minging.
Edit...spelling error created for realism.
Teeting troubles...
So this week could be pivitodl to the reopening really.. They've said hopefully by June 8th "or earlier"... But if Saw is shut Monday/Tuesday repairs must still be ongoing with testing surely going to be extensive too. I think the 8th might be a push. And even then it might have a few teething issues after that I've decided to go and make the most of it regardless that weekend of 15th but told myself it ain't running. And if it does to assume.4 hr queue or more.

I might have to pop back in October
Every week is pivotal...it will either open or it won't!
Every day will now be a three to four hour queue... the good weather, student term closures, school trips, and the advent of the older thoosie visitor (oh how I start trends me...first old man in bobbled grey trackies...decades ago...
It probably won't calm down now until oooohh, September 18th, probably.
Just remember, the wise do every other coaster... walking on with pride...on the park before getting in the silly queue later, after modest beer and kebabs...
Might book a hotel for a weekday following the 8th and do a country house one day and Hyperia again the day the other side. Defo worth going back for more rides. Let's be honest, they're going to get this back up and running as fast as humanly possible. Will make sure I can cancel the hotel though just incase :tearsofjoy:
So this week could be pivitodl to the reopening really.. They've said hopefully by June 8th "or earlier"... But if Saw is shut Monday/Tuesday repairs must still be ongoing with testing surely going to be extensive too. I think the 8th might be a push. And even then it might have a few teething issues after that I've decided to go and make the most of it regardless that weekend of 15th but told myself it ain't running. And if it does to assume.4 hr queue or more.

I might have to pop back in October
I wouldn’t think they’d have to do that much testing, surely? The ride has already been tested extensively prior to it opening, so as long as they can do a bit of testing with the new part installed, that should be fine. Saw’s scheduled closure is on Monday & Tuesday, so if we assume they’re hoping to get a crane in and out during that 2 day period, then that leaves three days to do some testing before 8th June.

Given we’re likely only talking about one new part being installed, that should be fine.
Every week is pivotal...it will either open or it won't!
Every day will now be a three to four hour queue... the good weather, student term closures, school trips, and the advent of the older thoosie visitor (oh how I start trends me...first old man in bobbled grey trackies...decades ago...
It probably won't calm down now until oooohh, September 18th, probably.
Just remember, the wise do every other coaster... walking on with pride...on the park before getting in the silly queue later, after modest beer and kebabs...
I can’t help but read all of Rob’s posts in Grandpa Simpson’s voice now.
I have been thinking about something if you believe in the power of fate that might be to do with Hyperia's early closure.

Could it be the ghost of a certain Geoffrey Thompson pissed off that the UK height record has been snatched from PB and has gotten his revenge from the grave? Maybe the ghost of Franz Mack who was shocked that Mack rides could agree to make such a short ride and decided to teach the Mack family a lesson or maybe the coasters Gods expressing their anger that Merlin made such a short layout and now have shown their displeasure?

Actually, not all that crazy the more you think about it.
I have been thinking about something if you believe in the power of fate that might be to do with Hyperia's early closure.

Could it be the ghost of a certain Geoffrey Thompson pissed off that the UK height record has been snatched from PB and has gotten his revenge from the grave? Maybe the ghost of Franz Mack who was shocked that Mack rides could agree to make such a short ride and decided to teach the Mack family a lesson or maybe the coasters Gods expressing their anger that Merlin made such a short layout and now have shown their displeasure?

Actually, not all that crazy the more you think about it.
I knew that they should never have built this coaster on the graves of the culled Thorpe Park Rangers. Miss Hippo, Mr Giraffe and their kinfolk will have their revenge from mascot heaven with Mr Monkey being doomed to stand as silent witness by the Banana Boat to the tragedy of how they were binned off.
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