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[2024] Thorpe Park: Hyperia - Mack Hypercoaster

Dear Thorpe Park, maybe it is not best to schedule a post like this for a day when Hyperia is going to be closed...!

For if/when it gets removed, it states "#SummerSolstice sunrise over #Hyperia - A breathtaking view of the UK’s tallest, fastest & most weightless rollercoaster, capturing the magic & thrill of the longest day of the year" with a link to book tickets and 3 photos of Hyperia looking glorious in sunrise.
...and a bit premature.
Always up for debate, but by my scientific weather clock the solstice is around five this afternoon, so the traditional 21st midsummer sunrise is closer than todays.
Clucking hippy.
Dear Thorpe Park, maybe it is not best to schedule a post like this for a day when Hyperia is going to be closed...!

For if/when it gets removed, it states "#SummerSolstice sunrise over #Hyperia - A breathtaking view of the UK’s tallest, fastest & most weightless rollercoaster, capturing the magic & thrill of the longest day of the year" with a link to book tickets and 3 photos of Hyperia looking glorious in sunrise.

This is just incompetence by this point surely?

How much brain power does it take for the team in marketing to have a quick scroll through the scheduled posts and delete any that quite obviously are going to have a poor reception because the bloody thing is closed?
So on the Instagram version of this post replies like this get a response:


But questions from customers impacted by the fact this thing is still closed get nothing:


So they know this post went up, they know the coaster they are referring to is closed. They see comments from customers asking for guidance due to poor comms ahead of time and they ignore them.

This must be that ‘open and honest’ approach they said they were taking with the rebrand?
I mean nowhere in that tweet so they say Hyperia is open
No it doesn't, but read the room!
Crane and scaffold onsite so at least they can get it off and start assessing if they can go again. Totally forgot they pushed that Golden Day celebration for the 23rd so they've got another headache with lots of bookings by enthusiasts attending.
It definitely would not be at all amusing if it was not able to operate on Sunday...!
I hope the staff on park aren't taking too much of a verbal battering from the great unwashed, the general public can be wild. It's a real shame it got off to such a rocky start given it's a relatively straightforward and back wayheyyyy sort of coaster. I imagine there's many a headache occurring between Mack and Merlin right now!
Maybe at this point they should leave a crane permanently installed and call it theming
They could put a full cage on the end that holds up to eight, and charge a tenner a time to the top of the lift hill.
Might end up covering half the cost of the rental.
I hope the staff on park aren't taking too much of a verbal battering from the great unwashed, the general public can be wild. It's a real shame it got off to such a rocky start given it's a relatively straightforward and back wayheyyyy sort of coaster. I imagine there's many a headache occurring between Mack and Merlin right now!
I wouldn't worry too much about the staff. They're all on zero hour contracts, so most of them probably got sent home.
Its a nightmare for them. I wanna ride hyperia but its a 6hr round trip im not going to risk travelling with it being so unreliable. Doubtful ill visit this year. With merch and food thats easily 200 quid lost revenue for the park. If multiple ppl have the same thought that adds up to a serious amount of lost revenue