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[2024] Thorpe Park: Hyperia - Mack Hypercoaster

Not specific to you Tom, but it makes me laugh, the ride has stalled a few times, not an uncommon happening, and now the talk of the town across a large margin of people is that it needs a launch or a re-track....this is just another thing in a long list of events from this coaster that have amazed me and worried me about society at the same time. I do not mean that at all in a nasty way either.
With regard to the bolded; it has in fact only stalled once at this point in time, which would corroborate your argument further!

As for the physics explanations; thank you all for the in-depth posts. That makes a lot more sense to me now!
It's unfortunate, but I think running on one train is the lesser of two evils compared to not having it running at all.

At least the park are psyching people up for it being on one train in advance and warning that queueing times could be extended, though, so it won't come as a surprise.

I must admit, though, that I am morbidly intrigued to see how long the advertised queue gets with 1 train operation on the ride's 2nd operating weekend...
Trouble with 1 train nowadays is it pretty much guarantees they'll be running at no more than 50% from main queue. We waited about an hour from the entrance last Sunday. For much of that time there was very little FT/RAP so the queue moved fairly consistently (much faster than first thing on Saturday when there was a long RAP queue). Drop it to one train with the same number of RAP and FT users trying to ride the ratios get squeezed and the same length main queue is suddenly about 3hrs - main queue capacity will be about 200-250/hr
Out of interest @John, what sort of throughput was the ride managing on 2 when you were there?

I've heard 600pph tossed around by quite a few, but I heard one person say that a figure as high as 920pph was attained when they were there, so I wondered if the 600pph figure was from opening day and before the staff properly settled in.
"We are aiming to have Hyperia open on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd June. Please note, Hyperia will be operating on one train (as opposed to two) so please expect extended queuing."

Does this wording imply it will be closed again come Monday? (For work on testing the stalled train for example) or am I just reading it wrong?
Does this wording imply it will be closed again come Monday? (For work on testing the stalled train for example) or am I just reading it wrong?
My thought was that they were mainly trying to psyche people up for it only being on one train at the weekend, with the weekend being their earliest anticipated date of reopening.
Out of interest @John, what sort of throughput was the ride managing on 2 when you were there?

I wasn't tracking but some of group last Saturday apparently clocked it at 600-700 (in the brief window it was actually open). Sunday seemed better but again I didn't bother to work it out

I expect it should be getting a little over 400 on one train but generally only half of those will be from main queue.
A disgrace? Wow, you’d think they were committing atrocities here…

In the UK we import three thirds of our hyper coasters.

Getting it open on one train has to be the preference over not opening it at all, but it will be absolute hell and I'd go nowhere near it. There may be a trickle from the room that het them, but if they offered fastrack and I was there I think I'd riot. They better not.
Now it’s confirmed to be one train operation, Thorpe need to step up and make sure Fastrack is closed and possibly single rider - level the playing field and make it fair for everyone.
Yes but again, you have that point of reference, the majority of the GP don’t and B&M hypers are still *excellent* coasters.

For years, enthusiasts dreamed of a B&M hyper for Thorpe, it was only after Hyperia was revealed to be a Mack that the “cope” kicked in and the narrative shifted to “B&M hypers are boring anyway” and “it’s not even that short a layout”
Perhaps, but Hyperia with its vertical twisted drop, large inversions and huge eye-catching elements is infinitely more marketable.

I view it as, the B&M hyper would have been the "safe" option, Hyperia was the "bold" option and I'm very glad Thorpe chose to be more adventurous.

Also, it's had a very positive reaction from non-enthusiasts. I don't see why the teething issues are cause to say that Thorpe "bought the wrong ride" when they are an entirely separate issue to the ride experience itself.