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[2024] Thorpe Park: Hyperia - Mack Hypercoaster

Out of pure curiosity, I’d be curious to know; is there anyone else on here who hasn’t ridden Hyperia yet?

I only ask because it feels like everyone and their dog has ridden it now, but I’m not able to get on it for another month…

Haven't been on, doubt i will this year although Bowser Jr has had a growth spurt so there's a chance. Still fairly unlikely though as going to Thorpe Park, being limited to 1 go on Hyperia and not being able to ride the 5 other coasters in sight will be a bit cruel.

Might go with a friend for "research" purposes once schools go back but again probably not too likely.

Happy to wait though, it's not going anywhere.... hopefully.
Out of pure curiosity, I’d be curious to know; is there anyone else on here who hasn’t ridden Hyperia yet?

I only ask because it feels like everyone and their dog has ridden it now, but I’m not able to get on it for another month…
And some other old gits!
Not putting my bad ankle through another long queue, I only managed half a day at the towers.
And I'm still waiting for a kebab review...and an overnight date from dippy bloody dave.
You have a car. You have a whole summer ahead of you. What are you waiting for? 😉
My parents, who don't want to go until the middle of August and also don't want me to go and ride it without them! After I was spited by Hyperia in June, we agreed that we'd go and ride it for the first time together rather than me going on my own; my mum and dad also want to ride Hyperia for themselves!

They don't want to book time off work to go, and for a smorgasbord of reasons, the first free weekend where we can go is 17th/18th August, so we've agreed on Sunday 18th August as our date.

We were supposed to go this weekend originally, but that was swiftly vetoed due to The Open being on TV and my dad misremembering which weekend it was... last weekend was vetoed due to the Euros. My parents, particularly my dad, are huge sports fans and wouldn't miss these events... there's far too much sport on in July!

My dad's love of golf and him attending LIV Golf at JCB next weekend is resulting in me getting an extra visit to Alton Towers, though, so I can hardly complain!
Also yet to ride because of the failings on the 24th.

It's effort to go at best of times. Let alone adding in a 4/5 hour journey and childcare.
Out of pure curiosity, I’d be curious to know; is there anyone else on here who hasn’t ridden Hyperia yet?

I only ask because it feels like everyone and their dog has ridden it now, but I’m not able to get on it for another month…
I'm yet to ride too Matt, you're not alone! Really hoping to get there this year but not convinced that'll happen.
Not done it yet, and I'm only 10 miles away. Usually wait for an INSET day at my son's school. Overcast even better. Off-peak, quite often Swarm is empty, Nemmy is only queued to the building entrance, and Stealth FR is only 3 cycles wait.
Hyperia was running very well this afternoon/evening, was bang in the middle of the train and has possibly my best ever ride on it. Got an excellent back row ride too. It was 30 degrees out which always helps but the coaster seems to be bedding in nicely.

No kebab review again, sorry @rob666

Also witnessed one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen.

Had a ride via SRQ and then sat down for a pint, figured I'd join the queue a minute before closing to potentially get an extra ride in on the last train, and I was in no rush. There was a group of 5 people in Hyperia T Shirts hovering just inside the queue and letting people pass them. Just as the queue closed, another group of young lads were let in, but they didn't want to pass the group of 3, because they also wanted to be last. This absolutely *rattled* a fully grown man in the group of 5 who was arguing with these children the whole walk through the queue.

The fully grown man and his gang then pretended to leave the queue, so they could get behind the school kids. Once they'd got past, they turned around smugly claimed their place at the back of the queue. He then spent the whole queue aggressively patronising these kids and even complained to the staff about them, falsely accusing them of queue jumping. All because fully grown man wanted to be last in the queue.

Didn't intervene as the kids were doing a fantastic job of winding him up much to our amusement, but certainly would have done if the staff tried to boot them out of the queue.

The bar is low for us coaster enthusiasts, but this was comfortably the most cringe-worthy thing I've ever seen. Ant this is from someone who calls himself Fisted Colossus on Twitter and will spend their Friday night playing Planet Coaster.
Hyperia was running very well this afternoon/evening, was bang in the middle of the train and has possibly my best ever ride on it. Got an excellent back row ride too. It was 30 degrees out which always helps but the coaster seems to be bedding in nicely.
According to the Attraction Source Q&A with the Mack engineers, the coaster is yet to reach its peak speed (or at least was on 29th June, when the event took place), with the peak speed not being reached until "some time over summer".
Out of pure curiosity, I’d be curious to know; is there anyone else on here who hasn’t ridden Hyperia yet?

I only ask because it feels like everyone and their dog has ridden it now, but I’m not able to get on it for another month…
I’ve not been on it yet. I deliberately wanted to avoid its opening period and also the school trip and summer holidays season so I’ll be going down at the start of September to ride it.
Out of pure curiosity, I’d be curious to know; is there anyone else on here who hasn’t ridden Hyperia yet?

I only ask because it feels like everyone and their dog has ridden it now, but I’m not able to get on it for another month…

Nope, not done it yet either.

I was there the day before it reopened on the 11th June, the day it was staff testing much to our annoyance!

Probably wait till September now over here once the summer rush has gone. It is what it is!
Last ride?? Is that a "thing"?? It ain't going faster or on the "special route". If it acts like a knob, smells like a knob and quacks like a knob... 😁