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[2024] Thorpe Park: Hyperia - Mack Hypercoaster

Gotta stroke those egos though I guess.
I do think this is a little unfair. Some kind of credits on rides i would appreciate, maybe on a plaque somewhere where people who would want to know can find out (and no, not just the main people, but all the technicians, set dressers and concept artists alike)

That being said, would you want to tie your name to the “hit” 2002 movie; ‘The Master Of Disguise’?
Just ridden this for the first time at last. Whilst the ride is great (the inverted stall being the highlight), it's abysmally short and pretty much everything else about it is subpar. Ride area looks like Poundland Icon - just a collection of tiny, dead trees, cheap ugly bent fencing and landscape bark. Deafening lift hill motor 2ft from the queue. Completely inadequate capacity for a ride of this scale - desperately needed a block or a separate offload. Station building is a glorified shed.

Sad sight really. I'm sure it will pull in the punters though which is all they ultimately care about!
Nice review that. Seems very honest. Can’t wait to ride this but have a huge sense I’ll be disappointed.

Unlike with Nemesis Rebo, which has grown on me a lot since I first rode it this year.
Nice review that. Seems very honest. Can’t wait to ride this but have a huge sense I’ll be disappointed.

Unlike with Nemesis Rebo, which has grown on me a lot since I first rode it this year.
Now I re-read it does come across quite negatively - however on reflection it's still accurate. It really is the most tremendous waste of speed on a coaster since Full Throttle - the trim coming up out of the invisible "splashdown" is frankly criminal. Even with a huge trim though, the final brakes really need to be strong (almost uncomfortably so) to really slow it down sufficiently.
Now I re-read it does come across quite negatively - however on reflection it's still accurate. It really is the most tremendous waste of speed on a coaster since Full Throttle - the trim coming up out of the invisible "splashdown" is frankly criminal. Even with a huge trim though, the final brakes really need to be strong (almost uncomfortably so) to really slow it down sufficiently.

I totally see where you coming from. But need to ride it to be sure - but from intensive seen, and the look of the layout it seems like a huge missed opportunity
The location of the trims add to the misery. You're carrying a lot of speed coming out of the stall at the lowest point of the ride so you should be lining up for another big element. But no, just slow down and retreat back to the station. Everything about the layout is excellent and well paced up to this point, and this rusty brake run just kills it off. This is where the second half was supposed to be.
The trim itself isn't as bad as many people make out. Maverick at CP is loved and literally drops its speed massively one turn after a 70mph launch and still gives a good moment after that. On Hyperia it is the same, the two hills that follow still provide a great thrill! But yes can't argue it could have done far more.

Let's just appreciate we have a decent ride regardless of length and wishes of it being longer.
Was here today even when it was advertised as 90 it was 60 mins tops and queue was past the big cattle pen by the shop for a lot of the day, I could have it down to it being 32 degrees but out of the 38 rides I've had on it I've never had to wait as much as I expected before it was built considering the hype of the UK's tallest and fastest would have.
Hyperia feels like it's getting better and better. I think someone from Mack said it would reach it's peak around August once it's fully bedded in, and they were bang on.

It feels a lot more aggressive than it did in the early weeks, particularly on the outerbank.

Had another 5 rides on Sunday, mostly in the middle of the train and every ride was incredible.It's still not quite a top 10er for me due to the length, but it's great to have a ride with proper airtime in the UK 😍
Going for the first time this year on Sunday, so excited

What would you guys say is the best time to go on hyperia? Obviously first thing will be busiest so do you guys recommend holding off until maybe early evening?
Going for the first time this year on Sunday, so excited

What would you guys say is the best time to go on hyperia? Obviously first thing will be busiest so do you guys recommend holding off until maybe early evening?
Last hour is the best time to ride, less people in the park and the queue moves quicker as there are less FT/RAP users.
As much as the start of the day will be busiest and the end of the day will be quietest, if you’re really keen to do it don’t leave it till last.

You never know what might happen, and the extra queue time is better than not getting a chance to ride it at all. Plus if you like it you might get the chance to ride it again with a shorter queue at the end of the day. Managed three rides on my last trip before 5:30 when storms stopped almost all rides for the rest of the day.

If you do want to avoid the early morning rush, lunchtime or early afternoon is a good idea to keep queuing to a minimum.