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A Scandinavian Adventure (26 July - 8th August)


TS Member
Another summer, another adventure. After much debate, some late planning and bookings, Dave & myself finally decided to take a tour around Scandinavia, visiting Denmark, Sweden & Norway.

Between 26 July and 8th August we visited Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen & Bakken near to Copenhagen; Legoland Billund; Djurs Sommerland; Farup Sommerland; Liseberg; Tusenfryd; Gronalund in Stockholm and finally Kolmarden. Many new creds from the embarrassing to the sublime and a lots of average at best. Not as expensive as envisaged though a beer in Norway broke the bank.

Will split up report in to a number of parts over a few days

First port of call was getting to Copenhagen. We flew from Manchester and the Friday eve (26th). Parking at Jet Parks Ringway, spending 15 minutes trying to find a parking space and then waiting for a bus to take us to the terminal and hoping it turns up (Spoiler, it did, quite quickly, unlike last time I used said car park back in 2019 when I gave up waiting after 30 minutes and walked). No issues through security and no major delay to flight. Arriving in Copenhagen around 21:50. Using the metro to take us in to town (which is driverless) and then a train to our hotel, which was quite badly graffitied inside and out (which as we found seemed to be the norm in Copenhagen). Our hotel for the next 3 nights was The Moxy in Copenhagen. This was a little way out of the city but perfectly walkable in decent weather and there was a train station 5 minute walk away. Did take a 30 minute walk to nearest watering hole where we discovered that smoking seems to be the norm here inside (and the outside area was closed)

Saturday 27th July: Tivoli Gardens.

First park on the trip was Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen City Centre. Park was open from 11:00-00:00, which as we commented would be a two day visit to Alton Towers. Nice 40 minute walk via a coffee shop for some coffee and cake.

This park, whilst not massive, has plenty to keep you entertained all day. Coasters, flat rides, beautiful surrounds as well as plenty of places to satisfy your thirst and hunger. This also was the most expensive park we visited entrance cost wise. Even with a small discount of around 10% it still cost us around £50 each

First port of call of course would be non other that Rutschebanen, which is a classic wooden coaster with a brakeman. I wasn't expecting a great deal with this, but it was surprisingly good, with some decent airtime in places, and that was just first ride of the day. One of the surprises of the trip coaster wise. Second port of call was the Biergarten (would be rude not too as we were passing) with a litre beer costing around £13 which is quite reasonable as I have paid as much in London/Liverpool/Manchester. Also ate here later on with a large Chicken Schnitzel with chips costing around the £17 mark

Other coasters at Tivoli include Daemonen, a B&M floorless, which sadly was a massive disappointment. very bland and never really did much. Was hoping for a night ride but this shut around 22:30 in preparation for fireworks later on and it wasn't quite dark at that point anyway. Then there was Kamelen and also Maelkevenjen which is a Mack Powered Coaster.

Other attractions ridden was some awful dark shooting ride called Minen, Fata Morgan (No relation to Efteling), Bumper Cars which were pretty epic, just a shame the duration was probably no more than 90 seconds. The Fun House, which wasn't the best I've done and seemed a little Chaotic but was OK.

There was a Fireworks show at end of night around 23:30 which lasted a bout 10 minutes which was OK, but my view was blocked by a tree that had parked itself in front of me.

Pretty decent day overall. Fairly busy but waits for rides were pretty minimal, with waiting no more than 10-15 minutes maximum for anything. Atmosphere was pretty great. lots of places to sit down, relax, eat drink. 4 new coaster creds and many a new toilet cred. Staff there seemed to enjoy their jobs too which is always good to see.

Whilst pricey to get in, costs for food/drink were not expensive. Way cheaper and vastly superior quality than anything one can get at towers. Also open for 13 hours (though attractions do start to close for around 22:30 as areas need to be cordoned off for Fireworks. Well worth a visit if in Copenhagen.

Overall ride count :

Rutschebanen * 4
Fun House
Fata Morgan

Beer * Plenty : Food * lots

Overall rating out of 10. 8
Sunday 28th July Bakken. Cost of entry circa £30 each

This park is located outside Copenhagen to the North and is located in a large recreational area. Park hours (11:00-22:00, or almost 2 days at Towers)
Was about a 40 minute train journey with cross platform change at Copenhagen Central. Again, lots of Graffiti inside and out. Inside already is drab with poor lighting and dark blue seats. But at least the lights worked on this train. Had Rome Metro VIBES (just not quite as sketchy).


Arriving in time for opening, picked up our wristbands and went off to see what delights the park offered. First stop though was coffee and cake. Had heard mixed reviews about this place, with one calling it a poor persons Tivoli Gardens. It certainly did have a bit of a Ghetto feeling about the place. Almost like I was revisiting Six Flags New England all over again but without the big rides.

Bakken is also home to another classic Wooden Coaster, however this has been upgraded(?) to remove the brakeman and new trains with much more restrictive restraints. This was OK over all, but the brakes did seem to slow the train down way to much in places.

Lets not forget though Tornado. This thing is just bonkers. Quite literally get thrown off the top of the lift hill which snaps your spine in half and leaves you head resting on the remains or your Torso, and that's not boost mode. Short layout but I don't think your body could take much more pulverising tbh.

Other credits include an Intamin Mine train, which was surprisingly very good. Vilde Mus, a Mack Wild Mouse which was pretty average and Mariehonen the embarrassing kiddie coaster that needed to be done. None coaster wise, of course there are Dodgems, a ghetto Ghost train which was that bad it was good but never expected anything else really.

Again, like Tivoli, plenty of places to eat and drink. tons of games store to win lots of chocolate. Did find staff here a bit miserable. Going to one place to get a beer to take out after purchasing a Pizza from somewhere else was told, no it is not allowed to have a beer with food purchased from elsewhere even though it was to take away. Did find a nice bus bar where we had a few beers over the course of the day, and one of the few nice members of staff we encountered.

Costs on park were OK, with a 500ml beer coming in around £6. Food was average. Beer selection was good.

Overall had a decent day. Did stay to the end of the day, but was tempted to leave earlier at one point. Not the best place. A bit ghetto, run down in places. The large park it is in looks a bit bland too.

Ride Count :

Tornado * 3
Rutschebanen * 5
Mine Train Ulven * 3
Vilde Mus * 2

Sky Roller
Radio Bilen (Dodgems)
Spogelsestoglet (Ghost Train)

Overall rating out of 10. 6


Monday 29th July

Today was Hire Car pick up day and continue our adventure by road, with a first port of call being the original Legoland in Billund. First had to head to get our hire car from Europcar located again just North of Copenhagen, which again meant 2*trains which were quite heavily graffitied inside and out, and the second train had no working lights which meant tunnel sections were dark. Still better than Ghost Train though at Thorpe :p

One thing we picked up on travelling around by train is everyone pretty much sits there in silence, and at stations they allow people to get off the train first before boarding. this is in stark contrast to travelling on train in Germany where everyone seems be be playing music/videos on their phones without ear buds and at stations everyone piles on before anyone has a chance to get off (Having a case to use as a battering ram to get off has come in handy a couple of times in Germany.)

Our car for the next 11 days would be a VW polo, which also was an automatic which was a nice. After some paperwork faff, started heading off towards Legoland which was about a 3 hour drive and involved crossing the Storebelt toll bridge which set us back about £35 to cross. We arrived at Legoland around 11:45 and proceeded to park up about 20 miles from the main entrance. Well OK, probably about same distance as it is from Hotels at Towers to main entrance there, but at least the terrain here is flat.


Park opening hours 10:00-20:00 (Yup, better than Towers)

To be continued......
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So, anyway, part 2 and our day at Legoland Billund. Monday 29 July, Open 10:00-20:00


This should of been the next most expensive park after Tivoli to visit, but thanks to a little hack of downloading the Lidl App and changing location to Denmark was able to blag a Buy one Get One Free Entry, so cost us about £24 each.

Was a pretty busy day but overall waits were not too long with us waiting nothing more than 30 minutes max

There are 4 coasters here, however, we had our first of two coasters on this trip that spited us and remained closed all day. This was Polar X-Plorer, which had seemingly stalled. Though upon hearing comments that it makes Th13teen look world class, probably didn't miss much :p .


Other coasters are Dragen, Flying Eagle and X-Treme Racers. Nothing special but were fine.

Also rode Sky Battle, an Air Race type of Ride. Had 2 goes on this. I got mine to spin a couple of times, dave managed 27 times, which seemed to surprise the ride Op somewhat. Then there was Ghost-The Haunted House, which was done at pretty much end of day.

Cant forget the Flying Theatre, Emmets Flying Adventure, which was pretty good fun.

Spent quite a bit of time looking around Mini Land, could of spend all day here, very impressive.

Rapids were also good fun and not too wet.



Overall a pretty good day. Very busy but everything was very well managed in terms of ops. Pleasant place to walk around and some decent attractions. Much better than its UK equivalent. Food was generally OK and not massively over priced. Cheaper than UK. Didn't sample any alcoholic beverages as I was driving later on, but again, what was on offer was much cheaper than what you pay at UK Merlin Parks

Overall Ride Count

Sky Battle * 2
Monster-Haunted House
Vikings River Splash
Emmets Flying Theatre

Extreme Racers
Flying Eagle

Overall rating /10 7

After leaving park around 20:00. And hastily buying a parking ticket. Headed to our next accommodation for one night which was The Zleep Hotel in Aarhus, which was around an hours drive. We were quite some way out of town here, but non the less took a stroll towards town to find a bar to quench our thirst. Google Maps says 49 minutes, it takes us 30 :).

Found a nice little micro brewery which set us back around £8 for a 500ml beer. (And we hadn't even got to Norway yet :eek:). So it was only the one then headed back to Hotel.

Tuesday 30 July Djurs Sommerland Open 10:00-20:00. Cost each around £40. Free Parking.

Park number 4 and just a short 40 minute drive in the morning meant a sort of lie in. Wasn't expecting a great deal from this park. On paper, coasters looked pretty average (which they were), but there is much more to some parks than just rides and this was probably one of them. It was a beautiful park, lots of colour, open space, chilled out, well maintained. Also the staff here were great. Really enthusiastic. Ops were also quite good. Another fantastic day was had, helped by the continued good weather. Maybe only downside would of been a lack of shade.

Another park that was pretty busy later on in the day, but again waiting times never exceeded 30 minutes.

Coaster wise. 8 credits to obtain. Of which all were operating and ridden. I guess the most extreme coaster wise would of been Piraten, and Intamin Mega-Lite, which was pretty decent and Juvelen, an Intamin launch coaster which was much better than expected. The first part is a bit bland, but after second launch you are thrown around at quite some speed, and was quite unexpected after the rather poor first section. Also there is a Mack Water Coaster called Skatteoen. Fairly short, but is fine and seemingly rides much better than Poseidon at EP (not that that's difficult).

Food and drink generally ok. Had the Pizza Buffet which had a pretty good selection of Pizzas and were quite nice too. This came to around £25 with unlimited drink refills.


There is also a small water park here, which is included with the entrance ticket. Very nearly tempted to pop in, given how hot it was on this day, but figured we'd save it for Farup the following day which also had a waterpark.

Ride Count :

Jungle Rally
Vilde Honsejagt
Piraten * 3
Thors Hammer
Juvelen * 2

Tigeren (Gyro Swing)
Wild River Rapids

Overall. Very good day, much better than was expecting. rating /10 8

After park close drove to next hotel which would be our bolt hole for the next two nights called Comwell Hvide in Aalburg. About an hours drive from Djurs.

Highlight of our room, we had two bathrooms :D. Decent hotel. Seemingly still going through some refurbishment. Lobby area was lovely. Lifts a bit tatty, Room was decent, but a bit dated. Breakfast was included. Whilst average at best, still better than the tripe Towers serves up these days.

Also not far from town with this hotel so only a short walk to nearest watering holes. With a beer coming in at around £6.50 for 500ml.

Coming up next, Farup Sommerland, our last park in Demark before taking the Ferry over to Gothenburg for the delightful Liseberg.
And finally, Part 3..

Continuing with our stay in Aalborg first. Looking for a watering hole to quench ones first, noted many many bars in the area, which of course is always an added bonus. Turns out this is quite the University Town and of course the pubs are full of Students getting blind drunk, lots of drink related sickness and many many other shenanigans. Almost feels like home :D .

Anyway, next day, Wed 31 July was Farup Sommerland. I had the hours for this park noted down as 10:00-22:00 where in fact it was 10:00-19:00. Based on my assumed hours I ruled out using bus as last one was 20:00. Opting to drive instead, which was about 40 minutes. Cost of entry per person £34.

Another park where I didn't have really high expectations, even though the ride line up looked better on paper than Djurs Sommerland. And indeed, some of the rides, as expected were pretty decent. However, the park itself lacked any atmosphere. Other than the god awful entrance music, the rest of the park felt like a Monastery. Place wasn't massively busy, and never really waited longer than 10-15 minutes for any attraction.


Interesting set up, with tickets checked/sold when pulling up to the car park (free parking) and the car park being part of the park pretty much. Going through main entrance, taking a left towards Falken, the wooden coaster and the Water Park, and a right towards other attractions. is quite a trek between one part and the other, though there is a train which runs full circle around.

Despite bringing swimming shorts and towels for a potential waterpark visit, this was seemingly off the cards as whilst a nice dry day, was rather cloudy and quite cool. Also as well, this park has a lot of shade, which would of come in handy the previous day and certainly not needed now.

Despite the negatives of lack of atmosphere had a pretty decent day overall. Fun was had with the Crazy Golf, as well as trying out one of the many peddle boats and other various boats around the many lakes on park. of course we got the one which had a terrible squeak when peddling and struggled to move very well so gave in after 5 minutes and returned to base.

Coasters here were Falcon and S&S woody. Which was ok. Nothing special, just pretty average and a tad rough but in a funny sort of way.
A Reverchon Wild mouse called Flagermusen, which oddly was quite good fun, but only one go on this as this did get quite a long queue of almost an hour. Linet, a Gerst Launch...1 go was enough....
Fonix a Vekoma which opened back in 2022, which was the stand out ride here. Felt well paced, plenty of Pops of air time, great inversion through the station, which kind of made up for lack of ambient music.
Orkanen, Vekoma Family Suspended, which was decent. Saven, a Vekoma Boomerang (Who'd of thought!!!). Of course not forgetting the embarrassing Coaster Creds of Pindsvinet and the slightly less embarrassing Mine Expressen.


Overall ride count for day :-

Fonix * 3
Mine Expressen
Falkon * 2

None coasters..Rafting Rapids, which was more a very fast moving body of water where you may get a splash. Fun non the less.
Golf Oen, a fun game of crazy golf, though the course was a bit naff and very basic. Peddle Boats, which all seem to be pretty much unsupervised. rock up, jump in and sail away and park up somewhere when your done. And finally, Toget, the train that goes around the park. Nice way to laze about for 15 minutes doing a circular tour of the park.

Certainly plenty to do and keep one self occupied. the park just feels a bit bland and soulless. Maybe some ride/area music, and get ride of the awful entrance music. Had the park been open until 22:00 as I had noted down, it would be safe to say wouldn't of been there until then. 19:00 was perfectly fine for a park that wasn't massively busy and lacks any kind of atmosphere. Again though, credit to the staff here, as with Djurs everyone seemed nice and enthusiastic. Operations were pretty decent, with both Falkon and Fonix operating on 2 trains.

Once back to our hotel, which was the same as previous place, went hunting down a couple of more respectable places in which to quench ones thirst. Thankfully some were found, and enjoyed the company of some happily drunk Danes for the remainder of the evening.

Thursday 1st August...

Today was a rest day of sorts (IE no coasters to ride). Instead we were heading to the nearby port of Frederikshavn and taking the Ferry over to Gothenburg in Sweden. This was a round a forty minute journey, and after a short wait we boarded the Ferry and settled in to our 3 1/2 journey over the Gothenburg. Boarding process was very efficient, and we departed bang on time at 12:15, arriving in Gothenburg and disembarking around 15:45, again, bang on time. A few quick questions from border police (who didn't know where Liseberg was) and we then continued on our way to our accommodation for 3 nights at Gothia Towers opposite Liseberg.


We arrived in car park, which set us back a total of £66 for 3 nights (and that is with discount for staying at Gothia Towers), and fuel remaining in car at this point was 0km. Had resisted the urge of filling up in Denmark as it was around £1.85 litre opposed to around £1.35 in Sweden. Luckily, on our departure, there was a petrol station a couple of streets away.

Check in was a smooth process, and we were in Tower 1 of 3, which is the older tower, complete with dodgy lifts that go out of service when the doors close. On the request, had requested a high floor and view overlooking Liseberg. We got a high floor (19/23) but sadly no Park view. There was an express lift, 1st stop floor 18, but it had a liking for breaking down.

Our evening was spent enjoying the offerings Gothenburg has to offer in terms of food and alcoholic beverages.
The following 2 days were spent at Liseberg, with the first day using our Europa Park Pass for free entry. Liseberg was also the only park on this trip that we had visited before, though this was 10 years ago and certainly looking forward to revisiting and sampling some new and older attractions.

And on to the next part. (Promise, I will get round to finishing it soon)

Friday 2nd & Saturday 3rd August. Liseberg. We had one day free entry with our EP passes and the second day was paid for which cost us around £45 each. On both days opening hours were 10:00-22:00.


Friday was a pretty busy day, and Saturday was pretty manic as to be expected, given the decent weather too.

After breakfast, we headed across the road to the main entrance just a little before 10 to collect our wristbands showing our EP passes. All conducted without fuss and we then were able to gain entry straight in to the park through the gates in guest services, just as they were about to open the main gets and allow the great unwashed in.


Of course our first port of call was going to be Helix. We took the escalators to heaven up to Helix, which still hadn't yet opened, but Liseberg now do virtual queue lines, so Dave managed to get a virtual line for right then, and this line was already open, so made our way to the station and on to the first ride of the day and on front row too.

Back in 2014 I really enjoyed Helix. Over the years I have heard many a comment how it has become rattly and a little rough. However it still feels as good to day as it did back in 2014 and certainly didn't notice any roughness. There is a bit of a rattle late on in the day when it has warmed up but nothing too bad.


Also noticed that the virtual line wasn't linked to any wristband numbers, so it was possible for us both to select a virtual line for different attractions and be in two queues at once. So thus maximising our usage. Overall virtual line worked very well, especially on this first day.

Of course next up would be the legendary Lisebergbanan, or as we affectionately named it The Liseberg Banana. I enjoyed this back in 2014 but felt it a bit underwhelming overall. This time though I loved it. Whilst never going to win awards for intensity, it was damn good fun, with some decent pops of air time at the back. And those brakes, god those brakes. When you slam in to them just before the end, and again just outside the station and again in the station your internal organs are rearranged they are that harsh.


Since our last visit in 2014 there have been two new coasters added. Firstly Valkyria, and B&M Dive coaster and a Vekoma Junior Boomergang called Luna. Valkyria replaced Kanonen, an Intamin Accelerator, which off ride looked a bit silly, boring and slow, but on ride was pretty decent, with the compact layout giving some decent forces. Whilst what has replaced it is much more visually impressive, sadly it rides as boringly as an open top bus ride along the prom. Outside left seats can whip you through an inversion or two, and the drop is pretty decent, but other than that Valkyria is just plain boring.


Luna felt a bit bland too but can forgive that given that it is a junior coaster.

Another attraction I was looking forward to sampling again was Gasten Ghost Hotel a walk through scare attraction. This used to be an upcharge attraction but is now free. Did get virtual queue for this, skipping a 60 minute wait. Glad we did, it was pants. Only seen one actor through the 5 minutes or so it takes to go through and there was no atmosphere at all. Felt very bland and uninspiring. I recall this being pretty good back in 2014. Maybe it needs to be an upcharge attraction again?


Then there is Balder, the wooden coaster. This was once regarded as one of the best woodies in the world. Ahh, simpler times eh . :p Whilst it certainly isn't bad. It rides quite well, it isn't rough at all, there is some pretty good air time, it takes those corners soooo slowly. I commented that the banking of the corners should be reduced to give some more laterals. In other worlds, make it damn brutal 🤣

Also during the day we noticed quite the Geek Fest. Large group of peeps walking round with similar T-Shirts. HAving made it our quest to find out who they were, eventually discovered they were from a German site called Coaster Friends and were also doing a Scandinavian trip. Pretty much in reverse as us, but also Finland. Also noticed that despite going in reverse to us, they should also be at Tusenfryd on 4th August, same day as us. Also, they had late ride time on Helix from 22:00 on the Friday.

Of course, Liseberg (And Tusenfryd) wouldn't be the last time we mingled with fellow Thoosies.

Didn't bother with the embarrassing kiddie coasters as had done these back in 2014. So basically coaster wise it was mainly Helix and Lisebergbanan with the occasional Balder thrown in for good measure and the less than occasional Valkyria when it cropped up on virtual line as it would of been rude not too.

Non coaster attractions ridden were Aerospin, which seemed impossible to actually rotate upside down. Of course, Juke Box which is a damn good laugh. Shame the ride cycle is laughably short. The Ferris Wheel was ridden on the Saturday, which offered some impressive views of Liseberg and the Gothenburg Skyline. Kallerado Rapids, which, whilst fairly short were good fun and is quite possible to get moist on. Loke, the Intamin Gyroswing. Hope Many does get one of these, it is fab.


Many a beer was also had, and plenty of food too. The Biergarten became a favourite watering hole and feeding trough. Prices pretty reasonable for a beer. Around £6.50-£7, which is cheaper than Towers before discount and it wasn't Stella or Coors.


On both days, there was a band playing in the Harbour Area. Great way to soak up a bit of atmosphere and enjoy a beer. The harbour area is also a good place to come to during early part of afternoon as it is fairly quiet then so can escape the crowds on a busy day.


Can't really fault ride operations. Everything operating on full capacity. The virtual queue worked very well. Even on the Saturday when it was very busy managed to get enough to keep us happy. Much easier to get one than EPs blink and you miss it system 🤣

On Saturday, popped in to the Grand Curiosa Hotel. From what I had seen, wasn't expecting a great deal, but I was pretty blown away by the scale of theming and attention to detail inside. Actually wished I'd stayed here instead of Gothia Towers. Of course a stop off here meant a trip up to the roof top bar and more beer.

Our last rides on Saturday would be Lisebergbanen, and just managed to get in the Helix queue before they shut the door behind us. This was advertised at 40-50 minutes but only waited about 15. But god the queue line and the building it is in is looking really grotty and run down.

Never got to ride Balder on Saturday as struggled to get a virtual queue, and when we did it broke down and were auto kicked out after the time passed. Main queue never seemed to drop below 50-60 mins and seemed to be suffering from a lot of down time on this day.


Once a visit to Lisebergs Hotel was out of the way, headed back to Gothia Towers to retire for the evening and get ready for the next part of our adventure. Firstly had to navigate the dodgy lifts. With the express one going out of service when the call button was pressed, the next one refusing to move at all after the doors closed, and the one after that deciding it didn't want to stop on 19th floor after all and carry on to 23rd. Got there eventually though.

Overall a fantastic visit. Do you need 2 days? Probably not, but regardless, never got bored. Helix is still a fantastic coaster, Lisbergbanen is good fun. The atmosphere on park is great, the staff are really nice. Operations are pretty good. Great beer, great food. Whats not to love...

Overall 10/10

Ride count :-

Friday 2nd

Helix * 3
Balder * 3
Lisebergbanan * 3
Kollorada Rapids
Hotel Gasten

Saturday 3rd

Helix * 2
Lisebergbanen * 4
Slangungan (Wave Swinger)
Juke Box
Ahlgrens Gondel (Big Wheel)

Beer & Food * lots

Yup Saturday was very very busy!!!

+Anything else I may of missed or ridden again and didn't note because....Beer!!

So, next up will be Tusenfryd. Probably the park I was most looking forward too on this trip, but what sadly turned out to be the most disappointing. I guess that is what happens when expectations are high. There were escalators though. 😂

This park, as well as Grona Lund which followed after also had probably the two worst coasters on the trip, with one being so bad that once was enough, not even a second go just to make sure. And I also reach the milestone of 500 creds...

To be continued.....
Next up, Sunday 4th August, heading to what was one of my most anticipated parks of the Visit. Tusenfryd near Oslo.
Open 10:30-19:00. Cost £35 each

Today was an early start as we had a 3 hour drive. With breakfast out of the way, headed off around 07:30, of course stopping to get some petrol first as we were running on fumes.

Also, we had our second coaster spite us, with Storm-The Dragon Legend, a Gerst Infinity Invert being closed all day, and had seemingly been so for some time. Probably a blessing in disguise?

This day was also a rather wet day, with some heavy rain showers on and off all day. Arriving at the park around 10:30, which is located just off the main highway and not too far away from Oslo. Was surprised to see a pretty dead car park with barely a dozen cars in.

Once in the park, you are then greeted by an escalator which takes you up to the main park. Place seems to be built in to the hill side so there is a lot of up hill walking involved,


This park has 7 coasters to be had. Well 6 if taken in to account one seems a bit knackered.

They are HuriHuri, Looped, Speed Monster, Storm, Supersplash, Thundercoaster, Western Expressen.

First port of call is to get the embarassing cred out of the way in HuriHuri, or as we dubbed in NotHuriNotHuri. This is a Zamperla Compact Spinning Coaster. After a 10 minute wait or so, our progress was thwarted when some poor individual was unable to get out as the restraint hadn't opened and the ride op couldn't open it either so meant a visit by tech services to free them. This in total took best part of 30 minutes from start to finish. Was it worth the wait? Nah...Bit boring really.

Then we come to Thundercoaster A Vekoma Wooden Coaster, with............Timerline Trains. These trains usually break what are pretty decent coasters (Zues at Asterix springs to mind). I have no idea how this rode with the previous trains. Ye it was as bad as expected. extremely rough, being bounced and jolted around the track like a jack hammer on steroids. Any decent bit of airtime was ruined by needing to brace for impact as you slammed back down on to the track. Pretty awful. I did have a second go later on which wasn't much better. Probably would of gone for a 3rd but a persistent rain show seem to have ended that not so bright idea.

Then there is Western Expressen, a Vekoma Junior Coaster, which oddly was operating on 2 trains, though only one loading. This was reasonable fun, but a bit of theming may of been nice?

Next up was SuperSplash, a Mack Rides, errr, SuperSplash

No queue, and got to go around again as everyone seemed pretty eager for a second go. Didn't get very wet thankfully, needed to go to the Splash Zone for that.

Whilst in that area of the park, decided on the Rapids called Ragnorok. Wasn't really expecting a great deal. However, upon sitting down I noted how similar these boats were to River Quest at Phantasialand. Needless to say, other than the lack of ghetto Lift, this felt very similar. Pretty rapid down hill sections, with whirlpools, large drops. Thankfully though, not as wet. Also made some new friends for about 5 minutes.

With lunch beckoning, found that the food options looked pretty dire. So eventually settled on a Pizza, where we again seen fellow Thoosies from Germany who were at Liseberg previously come in and be whisked away for some VIP treatment upstairs. This was the last time we seem them. Not sure where they went. maybe abducted by Aliens? or simply realised the place is a bit naff, seen sense and left?

Pizza was OK. But there were still two creds to get. First up Loopen, A Vekoma old school sit down thingy with a loop and Corkscrew. It looked pretty lame. It rode lamer. Thankfully it was to short to be punishingly brutal enough to rip off your ears. It ended, we got off. We went to next ride.

Final credit was Speed Monster. With the absence of Storm I guess this was their flagship attraction for the day. A Vekoma Accelerator coaster with 3 inversions. Operating on one train, this had the longest queue in the park other than NotHuri Not Huri, reaching the dizzy heights of 10 minutes.

Was actually pretty decent. The launch is pants, be nice if it were a bit punchier. but you do at least traverse the rest of the layout gracefully and it isn't rough at all.

After this, rest of the afternoon was sheltering from rain, couple of re-rides, and eventually leaving around 18:40 as we were too bored to ride anything the last 20 minutes or so event though the sun had finally come out.

So the most anticipated park of the trip became the most disappointing. Everything looked run down and tired. No atmosphere at all. Place was dead. It is just off a main highway and not too far from Oslo. Even with the not so great weather would of expected it to be busier.

Overall 4/10. Really should be better. Give the place some atmosphere, even Farup was better, just.

Ride Count :-

ThunderCoaster *2
Supersplash * 2
Western Expressen
Speed Monster * 3

Spin Spider
Leaving was fun. The only way to get a parking ticket was to use the rather clunky Apcoa Website, and then couldn't be done until at least an hour after you had left. (Had 2 days in which to pay). There was an App, and some other way to pay, but only if you had Scandinavian countries phone number.

Our next hotel for one night was in a near by town called Ski, which was barely 10 minutes away driving. Sadly there wasn't a lot around here. looking at heading in to Oslo, decided against it given the cost of £8 each, each way, on the train for a 15 minute journey. Sadly with most local places shutting around 20:00-21:00, options for food were Pizza, Pizza, Pizza or Maccy D's. Ye I'd already had Pizza, so ended up at Maccys. Would of had a Mc Flurry but alas their equipment was broken so was not possible.

Once some of the local cuisine was consumed. Needed a beer. but again, with everything closed and the population tucked up in bed, there as only one option available and that was the place next to the Hotel. And this is where things got expensive. One 750ml beer set me back £17. Glad I was only here for one night. I savoured every last drop.

Monday 5th August

Today was a travel and culture day. In other words we were travelling to Stockholm then finding places to drink beer.

There was no rush to leave despite the 6 hour or so drive (with rest breaks), so left around 10:00. Generally an uneventful drive. Roads a generally quiet out of the main towns and cities. though you get Mr Volvo and Mr Saab driver who like to park themselves on the back seat of your car as you aren't driving fast enough for them. They are still much politer than their German counterparts in their Mercs/BMWs who, when travelling through Germany, will also be flashing their lights and laying on the horn if you have the audacity to travel lower than 120mph.

Arriving at our hotel for the next two nights, just south of the main city centre of Stockholm around 16:30. Headed out for some food and beer. Sadly the near by tram stop was closed due to construction work, and the temporary tram stop built to replace it was also closed, err, due to the same construction work. Decided to enjoy the lovely sunny weather and take the 40 minute or so walk. Which was a delight of sorts, given that pedestrian and cycle areas are almost completely separated from the larger main carriageways. So may people out and about walking, running, cycling, bombing along on E-Scooters. Good to see.

Luckily beer prices were back to the much more reasonable £5-£7 range here, so a few beers and some food was had before taking a walk back to the hotel and retiring for the night looking forward in anticipation for our next park, Grona Lund.
Ah yes, better finish this off. Sadly real life stuff gets in the way at times...

Soooo, next park, 6th August, was Grona Lund in Stockholm. Open 10:00-22:00. Cost around £47 each, this included additional ticket for House of Nightmares, a walk through scare attraction which was about an extra £5 each. In the cost of your ticket you also get 2*jet passes which allow priority access to 2 rides of your choice. These can be changed too should the need arise.

Also, this is where I made it to 500 coaster creds.

There was a concert on on this day too, starting at 20:00. So I was expecting it to be busy. And indeed it was the busiest park of the trip.

We set off after breakfast and took the 10 minute or so walk down the the Ferry terminal and jumped on ferry which would take us over to Grona Lund. Takes about 8 minutes and costs around £3. Dropped us off just a short walk from the main entrance. Wristbands collected, entered park just before 10 and decided to get the embarrassing creds out of the way first. These being Nyckelpigan & TuffTuff.

Following we did Vilda Musen, credit no 499. Quite a good fun wild mouse, but the queue line is awful. A really narrow cattle pen queue line which felt like you were on the Central Line in rush hour.

The Ghost Train, Bla Tagat was good fun. A proper old school ghetto fairground attraction Ghost Train. The to credit 500. I opted for Twister, a pretty compact Wooden Coaster, which has the dreaded Timberline Trains. However it rides pretty well and despite it being pretty compact, offers an enjoyable ride. 2 train operation but ops were terrible. Very very slow, which seems to be par the course on this ride throughout the day except at the end.

After a beer or 2 stop, then rode Monster, A B&M invert. I quite enjoyed this. Decent layout, and whilst not overly forceful it made use of its small space quite well offering a decent ride. Ops initially on here were fantastic. Again on 2 trains. But later on they seemed to be competing with Twister ops as to who could be the Slowest.

Then it was time for what was probably the worst coaster we road all trip and probably one of the worst I have ever ridden. that was Insane, an Intamin Zac Spin. I have previously ridden Green Lantern when it was at SF Magic Mountain, which had a reputation for being bad, and indeed it was. But this was 10 times worse. Just literally thrown around rocking from side to side violently whilst the ride tries to snap your neck in 1/2 and dislocate your shoulders as well as cutting off the blood supply below the thighs. Once was enough.

The last coaster was Kvastan, Vekoma Suspended Family Coaster, which was probably one of the weakest ones I have done. Never really got going and offered no excitement what so ever.

There were plenty of food and drink outlets dotted around. So plenty of beer was had. A bit pricey at around £7 for 4 or 500ml depending on where you went.

By around 16:00 the place was getting really really busy with the concert goers arriving and buying individual ride tickets. This meant that some attractions had queues in excess of 60 minutes. Also, by around 18:00, the queues for food & drink were just insane. It was also very difficult just to find somewhere simply to sit down for a bit.

One other thing to note, toilets in Sweden are generally gender neutral so male and female use same toilets. this of course means waiting, which us guys aren't usually used too 😂 .Usually time toilet visits to when you need to go, but not here, need to add in another 5-10 minutes or so. And when it was stupidly busy between 17:00-19:00 then add 20-30 mins on as that's how long the wait for the toilets were. Beer and long toilet waits are not a good mix, luckily it was too busy to even attempt to buy a beer around those times.y

The House of Nightmares was a bit naff. Quite disappointing really as had paid an extra £5 each for this. Only one real scare as such being chased out a door by a guy with a chainsaw, but other than that, noting really happened. It was pretty well themed, but did seem to lack atmosphere.

Thankfully it did calm down and then queue times calmed down as everyone as at the concert so gave us chance for some re-rides and try some other attractions such as BlackFisken, very similar to Juke Box at Liseberg: Lustiga Huset which was the Fun House: Pop Expressen, a Huss Break Dance, under cover blasting out pop music, which was a blast.

Sadly missed out on the Star Flyer as this was closed early due to the proximity to the Concert

I also went on Frit Fall, an Intamin Drop Tower. Sadly they just closed off the stand up part as I was about to get on.

At the end of the night we went to catch the ferry back over to where our hotel was. There was a massive queue, but most of this seemed to be for ferries back over to towards the city centre. There was some confusion as to what ferry we needed to catch as the travel app told us to take a ferry to a particular place which did not show on the boards. These boards only show final destination, so took a look on Google Maps to figure it out, but got there in the end.

Overall I will give an 7/10. Had an enjoyable day, but got way too busy at one point with excessively long waits for food/drink/toilets and practically nowhere to sit down. It is a very compact park, but they make use of the space well. Ops were a bit hit and miss at times, but most of the staff were pleasant and friendly.

Ride Count :-

Wild mouse
Twister * 4
Insane (once was more than enough)
Monster * 3

Ghost Train
Fun house
Pop Expressen
Frit Fall

Next up, which I will do later, will be the final part of the trip which is Kolmarden, and no doubt the most anticipated coaster; Wild Fire.