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Alton Towers Alternate History Moments


TS Member
Favourite Ride
Black Hole
Now for something a wee bit different. As some of you might know I do love following alternate history and you will have noticed I have done a thread on here of a alternate Alton Towers history on here but it has got me thinking about many other 'what if' moments in the park's history and if there are any other moments to go from that others might have.

Now off the bat I don't want to go into the cliché topics like 'What if Tussauds never acquired Towers' or 'What if the Cross Valley Coaster got built' but rather some other thoughts from recent memory that likely have affected the park into its current state which the biggest one being 'What if the Smiler crash never happened' which to be is perhaps a major point of diversion in the park's history which maybe if it hadn't happened the park wouldn't find itself it many of its problems now or perhaps the lack of a crash would just postpone the invertible as what we have now.

So if you have any other ideas you might have in mind, write up any possible what if moment that fascinates you and what might've happened with one topic that comes to mind being 'What if Wicker Man had been replaced Congo River Rapids instead of Flume and the latter had survived' as there are many moments in the park's history that can all be included here for us to speculate on what could have happened had other choices been made so over to you guys.
Here are two that I can think of (one more recent than the other, but both relating to the same ride!):-

1) What if Merlin had decided not to retrack Nemesis, and decided to build a different ride on the site instead? Would the new ride have retained any of the Nemesis name? If not, then what effect would this have had upon Nemesis Sub Terra and Forbidden Valley in general (and, now, Toxicator)?

I've heard some people say that it would have been pointless to build a new ride because the new ride would have essentially had to follow the same contours of the valley as Nemesis (which were custom excavated for the ride), and thus may have been an almost identical ride anyway.

The only change that I personally would have made to Nemesis Reborn would be to have built it as a wing-coaster instead of an inverted coaster, as I think that this fits the concept better, and - in my opinion - the original Nemesis probably would have been a wing-coaster if the technology had been available in 1994. The only downside is that a wing-coaster might take more space, and thus may not have fit without further excavations, and perhaps groups of 4 would have missed the opportunity to sit together (I'm not sure if it's possible to have an inverted coaster train and a wing-coaster train on the same track at the same time?).

2) This is probably unlikely, but what if John Wardley had decided to retain the 'Secret Weapon' name for the B&M inverted coaster, instead of calling it 'Nemesis'? Would Thunder Valley have been renamed to Forbidden Valley? What effect would this have had upon Nemesis Inferno and Nemesis Sub Terra? Would the ride have been any less successful in 1994, or was the appeal of an inverted coaster too strong to be affected by the branding? (my personal opinion was that the ride still would have been very successful, regardless of its name)
I think about this a lot! I wished Alton Towers continued along the same quality in the 90s, and got to the kind of status Efteling or Phantasialand have. I'd have loved it if we still had the Haunted House, The LOG flume, Black Hole.... call me nostalgic maybe but they felt like they made it a more complete theme park.

The real change happened when the whole board was changed around 2001/2002 when the old Tussauds crew were pushed out and Charterhouse then DIC came in. If this hadn't happened, perhaps we would have still had a consistent vision.

I think the IP's, destructive hastily added "Rethemes" and Plonked in Rita really deviated the park into a less classy and coherent place.
We would still have lovely hand painted and 3d signage, less in your face advertising printed on 2d Leek signs, and good entertainment around the park.
Older rides would have been carefully maintained into legendary status, and updated in an honourable way. The same way that Europa Park or Efteling does.
We wouldn't have the garish block colour repaints of Towers Street or Cred Street, or inconsistent paths and fences. The hotels would have become a destination in their own right, (and the park would still have free virtual queue......)

Some call it rose tinted specs, but I get the same feeling I did when I first visited Alton when I visit Efteling. I want to spend my money there and I feel like I've had a valued day out. When I go to Alton now it gives me the same icky feeling as a Six Flags park, slightly hollow and empty, and ripped off.
Here's a thought that I'm sure many have already thought about and that is what if when building Wicker Man it was the Rapids and not the Flume that had gone instead? Yes I'm aware that towards the end the Flume was needing major work and likely would have gone eventually even if the Smiler crash never happened but all the same, given that IIRC Thorpe were planning to upgrade their Flume for modern standards yet the budget was eaten up by trying to fix DBGT which as we know was a waste of money so it isn't hard to think that maybe Towers' Flume might have been given a second chance to live another day.

So instead of getting Air changed into Galactica in which the former would remain as is, that money could have been spent on a new look Flume finally themed into the rest of the area with say new themed pieces and new boats from Mack as part of a larger pirate theme, as well as now reduced maintenance and running costs if Mack come in to overhaul it for modern standards and being a pure family ride might have had better success than what Galactica ever did in those post Smiler accident days. Also, given the fact that it costs a lot to run the Rapids not to mention how many feel that they are a shadow of themselves these days, does make you wonder with hindsight that they would have saved more on operation costs and that Katanga Canyon would finally have a new attraction in that area after many years plus could you imagine a woodie using parts of the Rapids route like say the shared tunnel with RMT would have been a highlight to have 'racing' trains and a woodie might have suited that area very well all things considered.

So yeah, I'm starting to think with hindsight Towers got ride of the wrong water attraction.