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An epic 2 days at Alton Towers!

Hi all,

I just wanted to share my awesome 2 days at alton towers. The last 2 times I’ve been, I’ve been pretty disappointed due to ride reliability issues.

I visited on Thursday. It was meant to be overcast and windy so I was expecting the day to be a little hit and miss. The day turned out to be hot and sunny with little wind for most of the day. I had platinum fast track and had the following ride count:

The Smiler - 4
Oblivion - 2
Spinball Whizzer - 1
The Wickerman - 4
Rita - 2
Thirteen - 1
Curse of Alton Manor - 1
Galactica - 1
Runaway mine train - 1
Nemesis Reborn - 6

It was a super busy day so I was really happy with my ride count. While I was on the curse of alton manor, it broke down! Which had me panicking listening to the eery music while in the pitch black, not moving and on my own!

When I got out of the curse, I decided to treat myself to a ‘grim reaper’ ice cream which didn’t disappoint although I got black dye everywhere!

The staff on this day were truly amazing. There seems to have been a shift since I last visited which didn’t go un noticed. The Wickerman operations definitely need some improvement though!

I stayed in the enchanted village/woodland cottages. They were lovely but I was disappointed that they didn’t have a fridge! The room wasn’t clean either. I also didn’t anticipate the sheer amount of disruptive kids so I wouldn’t recommend them during this time of the year if you’re like me and like to have some quiet time. The kids were running over my porch area, so it was pretty disruptive.

The next day I was attending the Nemesis Reborn VIP event so had gold fast track which was much needed on a stupidly busy day. I got on all coasters apart from Thirteen which had a 1 hour fast track queue when I went to queue up!

I also had something very exciting planned that day in memory of my last husband who passed away from pancreatic cancer. At 12:30pm on Friday, I had arranged to ride Nemesis Reborn with none other than the legendary John Wardley! I had some ground support who took photographs and videos. He wanted to support me in my fund raising efforts after I lost my husband to Pancreatic cancer last month. He was diagnosed at the beginning of February and he died on the 28th May of this year at the grand old age of 58 (sarcasm). I was also blown away by the support of Alton Towers.

If you did want to support me on my awareness raising efforts or want to learn more about pancreatic cancer, please visit either my socials: ‘Coasters, Thrills and Airtime Hills’ or check out ‘Pancreatic Cancer U.K.’. It’s so important to know the symptoms for early diagnosis. With 1in50 men developing the disease at some point in their life, it’s incredibly important.

After this, I rode a few more rides until it was time to attend the Nemesis Reborn VIP event. The event included secret stories of the early development of the original Nemesis which was really cool. I loved Johns enthusiasm. It was also good to hear the ups and down of the Nemesis Reborn project.

It was really cool to get to walk in to the station and see things that we wouldn’t normally see. I think it would have made it a little more special if we could have partially walked up the lift hill as well as reducing turnout numbers as for many, the event involved a lot of waiting around. I was in the very first group of people so I didn’t have to wait around. The event for me lasted around 3 hours.

All in all I had an absolute blast at Alton Towers. Beautiful weather, reliable rollercoasters, bruised shoulders and magical memories made, with raising awareness of pancreatic cancer at the fore front - which I now hold very dearly to my heart.


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Great report, and noted re the Village accommodation haha.

I lost my Dad to pancreatic cancer in November 2022 aged 71. He was lucky to make it for 2 years after diagnosis, but I remember those last months well. I'm still trying to deal with it and figure it out to this day, so kudos to you for scrambling on while trying to do some good and spread awareness. You're doing him proud!
Great report, and noted re the Village accommodation haha.

I lost my Dad to pancreatic cancer in November 2022 aged 71. He was lucky to make it for 2 years after diagnosis, but I remember those last months well. I'm still trying to deal with it and figure it out to this day, so kudos to you for scrambling on while trying to do some good and spread awareness. You're doing him proud!
Thank you so much and I’m equally so sorry to hear you lost your dad to pancreatic cancer. Watching a soulmate die from this disease is something I really don’t ever want to experience again. It has almost broken me as a person and it’s still very much touch and go with my mental state. I’m visiting Thorpe park next week to hopefully ride Hyperia so I’m excited for that.
Likewise it has touched my family and friends.
Such vague symptoms, and often by the time you get a diagnosis it is too late.
Nice report, well done.
My husband had symptoms but firstly, it was so difficult to get him to take his symptoms seriously and secondly, when he did take them seriously - the GP didn’t. GP’s really need to have Pancreatic Cancer on their radar. Thank you so much for the positive feedback 😁.

I’m also very sorry you’ve also had experience.