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Goose Fair 29th September


TS Member
Managed to get to the famous Goose fair for my first ever time yesterday. I experienced 6 different rides and I thought I’d review them and say if they were value for money. I will review in order of what we did.
1. Extreme- The first ride of the trip was Spinjam I mean Extreme. £5 for a pretty good length cycle and honestly it’s one of my favourite flats. Super intense and feet tingling. Made me realise how much I’ve missed having a flat of that thrill level at Towers this year. Bring back Spinjam
2. Taylor’s new Joker- Well this was an interesting ride and again had a cycle that went on for quite some time. £5 I thought was great value and the ride was plenty of fun without being too intense.
3. Atmosfear- A personal favourite flat of mine I do have a soft spot for it. At £6 I think for a ride as good as this that’s an absolute steal and was well worth it. Probably the 2nd best ride in the fair lineup
4. Equinox- I don’t know how I feel about this one. I found it quite a bizarre and unusual ride. Very unique tho and rare to see something like that in a Uk fair lineup. Was it worth £6 well I’m not sure because although it was a unique experience it was quite uncomfortable.
5. Top scan- Well we’ve reach the top dog of Goose fair. The much loved returning Top scan and I tell you now this thing is a beast. When this ride is manually operated the staff go crazy with the cycle. It was an unreal ride and I loved every bit of it. Wish we could get one of these at towers. £6 too was an absolute bargain for how insane the ride was
6. Aerosoace- the most expensive thrill ride in the fair lineup. Priced at £10 this one was quite steep. Granted it looks stunning and mesmerising off ride however on ride I thought it was a bit of a let down. It’s basically just a really tall booster with more seats. Nothing that exciting if I’m honest but it was good to experience the tallest flat ride in the country nonetheless