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Help Needed! Speeding Ticket/Letter


TS Founding Member
Hey everyone,

I know it's a bit pointless me making a topic for something that is a minor thing. However I could not fit my question in any existing topics.

I'm in need a digital copy (a scan) of a speeding ticket/letter.

Here's an example letter of what I'm roughly looking for, although it's in Welsh. I could do with one in English (I understand that there will be different variations of letters which is fine).

I just need a JPEG or TIFF scan/image of a speeding letter or ticket for my photography/art project.

If you do provide a scan I will be obscuring the name, address and any personal details that may be on the letter - and those details will be replaced with fake ones. The letter will appear in an art gallery at an exhibition in May alongside a piece of work I've created.

Post below or PM me if you can help. Thanks! :)
Ahh! I wish I could help you out. My job is actually to receive and pay PCNs that are issued to company vehicles. If it wasn't breaking DPA for me to send you one I'd be able to! I could see if I can find a mock-up one we use as an example? I can't promise anything though.
I've had two in the past six months (not amused), so ill get one scanned in for you.

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Are you sure you're not a speeding ticket yourself James...?

Because you've got fine written all over you. :cool:
Was so hoping someone had been naughty so I could tell them off...=).
Sam said:
Are you sure you're not a speeding ticket yourself James...?

Because you've got fine written all over you. :cool:

Oh dear Sam, that was as cheesy as hell, but I love you for the cheesiness. :p

T said:
I've had two in the past six months (not amused), so ill get one scanned in for you.

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Okay, that would be great, thanks!

gosling said:
Ahh! I wish I could help you out. My job is actually to receive and pay PCNs that are issued to company vehicles. If it wasn't breaking DPA for me to send you one I'd be able to! I could see if I can find a mock-up one we use as an example? I can't promise anything though.

A mock-up one would be great. But if not it's no problem. :)
Because I'm cool, I've been caught speeding before. ;)

I'll check whether I've still got the letter around later, was a while ago I got it though, but there's still a chance I've still got it somewhere.
No luck I'm afraid. Despite it being a totally blank mock-up apparently it'd still be against DPA for me to issue it to anyone outside the company. Gotta love office politics eh? Sorry :/
If anyone can help I need a scan/picture by Saturday/Sunday at the latest ideally. As planning for the exhibition and so on is currently underway and I need a clear idea of how I'm presenting the work in the gallery. :)
James said:
If anyone can help I need a scan/picture by Saturday/Sunday at the latest ideally. As planning for the exhibition and so on is currently underway and I need a clear idea of how I'm presenting the work in the gallery. :)
Apologies, PM me. I can scan one in, however information will need to be removed by blanking out beforehand?

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I don't have one sorry and the sample from work has the same problem as gosling's sample, shame really.

But I did have a letter asking for me to justify my use of the exemption in Section 87 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 paragraph 1 sub paragraph A. (I can not find it at the moment)

waits for PLUK to ask what i was driving