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Hex: The Future

Without opening that box the Brexit excuse is a myth, items can still be imported within a day if need be and certainly isn’t delaying things for months. The only meaningful impact is on imports at scale.
I think if the absolute will was there to get it open ASAP then it could be open by now. I'm guessing it's not that high on the priority list as to allocate more budget to it to get it sorted swiftly.
Nobody knows this for sure though.. unless one has internal knowledge of course!

Whether or not there is internal knowledge is irrelevant (but those that regularly do have indicated it’s not closed for budget reasons) regardless let’s look at this logically:

1) Budgets are set prior to season opening with Merlin.

2) Towers announced Hex opening which occurred after the point budgets where set.

If they didn’t have the budget they would have known before March and therefore not announced the opening.
Vekoma Madhouses are relatively common and a ride they have still been making as recently as 2019 so presumably there is an ongoing expectation for them to be able to maintain them and provide parts? Seems odd that this one is essentially taking 15 months and counting to fix.
yeah isn't there one at legoland? Obviously it's newer so it's not going to have the same technical faults as hex but the fact that many still operate in the world you'd assume they'd have spare parts
Ever the optimist, I do wonder if a summer opening was always on the cards.

Nemesis - start of season
Hyperia - May half term
Hex - Summer

That way, no opening / reopening steals the thunder from another and allows for maximum impact in terms of opening ceremonies etc.

It was never confirmed to be opening at the start of the season.
The wording of that reply does not fill me with confidence but I guess we just have to keep waiting for actual news...
One would think that in such a scenario she just wouldn't reply to the comment / question in the first place, unless she loves sending various corners of the internet into a tizzy and watching them fight over every scrap of information.
Also note the lack of a 'no' in that reply :p
I can't rule out the possibility that the author simply didn't wish to preempt the announcement - but given they had the option of simply not replying and the previously shared plan was to open in 2024, I think a reply promising an update (without actually answering the question) leans strongly towards an implicit 'no'.

But perhaps I'm just a cynic, we shall see.
A recap to a snippet of the press release Bianca / Towers put out early March this year.

"We’re dedicated to providing unforgettable experiences for all our guests, and we’re committed to driving further excitement and innovation throughout the season. From events to new attractions, it’s my ambition that there is always something to look forward to in 2024 – long after opening! And speaking of excitement later in the season, get ready for the triumphant return of Hex: Legend of the Towers! We’ve invested in brand new special effects to take this twisted tale to the next level, and I can’t wait for you to experience it."

It was, in no uncertain term's, stated here in March, that they want things to look forward to long after opening, which could mean anything to be fair, but could very well also be referring to Hex.

But when specicially addressing Hex, the statement says; "later into the season". Not soon. Not shortly. Not early into the season. Not within a few months. But later into the season.

Read that as you will, but for me, this closure at this point into the 2024 season is EXACTLY in line to how it was communicated at the very beginning of March.

Later into the season would suggest to me as being past the half way point of the 2024 season. You could get away with referring to any time up until the half way point, as being early into the season. They never said that though.

We are now in the ball park of the midway point of the season, roughly. So going into the later part of the season.

The argument of the fact it may have planned to open early into 2024. but an issue was found, can still fit into this theory. They could have found a bigger issue, had to delay opening but were given a timeframe that parts would be delivered and installed, a timeframe such as making the ride be ready 'later into the season' for example, aka the second half.
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The argument of the fact it may have planned to open early into 2024. but an issue was found, can still fit into this theory. They could have found a bigger issue, had to delay opening but were given a timeframe that parts would be delivered and installed, a timeframe such as making the ride be ready 'later into the season' for example, aka the second half.

This isn't so different from the skyride situation...this enquiry into opening sounds like me a year or so ago.
Still waiting, with a limp, after a couple of years.
I'm sorry, but to these jaded eyes this is just another economic closure..."Oh we tried really hard, but then realised we had opened up another series of problems we just hadn't expected, and they will take another year to fix."
Will we be getting another million apologies?
I can't rule out the possibility that the author simply didn't wish to preempt the announcement - but given they had the option of simply not replying and the previously shared plan was to open in 2024, I think a reply promising an update (without actually answering the question) leans strongly towards an implicit 'no'.

But perhaps I'm just a cynic, we shall see.
Technically, not replying at all in this situation would be classed as bad social media management. You don't reply to trolls, but you should always acknowledge when you're asked an earnest question, even if you don't directly answer it.

So I don't think we can read very much into what Bianca's posting, given she hasn't answered the actual question. They clearly do have a comms strategy in place around it, though.