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Hex: The Future

Watching that video again, is it me or do the TV's in the queueline are now widescreen yet the queueline video is still at a 4:3 setting?

Actually, the Hex pre-show footage in the video seems like a lot of its quality is way off and could do with a remaster. I do wonder if they did film it originally for a 16:9 format and that a version of it has remained somewhere in the archives that can be brought out, digitised and be used?
Watching that video again, is it me or do the TV's in the queueline are now widescreen yet the queueline video is still at a 4:3 setting?

The wide-screen queue TVs have been there a few years now, they originally replaced the octagon CRTs but were swapped around so they could keep the octagon darker with CRT TVs. They used to play the queue video stretched on them but looks like there playing them in 4:3 with borders now. On that video the Octagon is also using widescreen TVs as well now.
The original film was 16:9, but the projector was 4:3. If they fix that, I'll be a happy man. Regarding the queueline TVs, good luck finding a 4:3 screen these days!
It wouldn't surprise me if they have finally made the projector go to 16:9 then like you, I'd be a happy man and given how much work has been done, it isn't hard to think that this has been done.

Regarding the queueline videos, were they shot on 16:9 too or 4:3 instead? If the latter then we're stuck with the black bars on either side although you could argue that it this video format works better in a more horror setting. Nonetheless, seeing black bars on the side is a pet peeve of mine personally.
The wide-screen queue TVs have been there a few years now, they originally replaced the octagon CRTs but were swapped around so they could keep the octagon darker with CRT TVs. They used to play the queue video stretched on them but looks like there playing them in 4:3 with borders now. On that video the Octagon is also using widescreen TVs as well now.
Yes, I was aware of the widescreen TVs always being there, just curious of those queueline videos were always shot on 4:3 or maybe 16:9 originally.

Always have been fascinated by the Hex videos into the production history of them and such.
I would imagine for the interview bits the lights have been turned up to look interesting, and also to actually make it bright enough to film.
I got shot down in flames (sparks?) by this happy chap on Twitter last night... like I knew he was all of those things. And if he was any or all of those things he says he is then he'd understand they'd turn things up to 11 to be able to film and show it off!

Have the people arguing that it is too strong ever actually seen a generator blow? Like one that is under full load, they can go with a huge bang, 10x more sparks than this reworked one, with lots of fire. I am going to take an educated guess and say no, they have not seen one blow.

If they hide the box a bit. I don't mind the change, it is still in keeping with what a real generator going bang looks like, the effect was missed by many people, so ramp it up a bit and let it go with a spectacular bang. There is nothing subtle about that scene, dark forces come and make themselves present in quite a dramatic way. It is still in keeping with that scene in that sense. If the reason the generator blew in the first place is because of the dark forces visiting, (pretty sure it is) then I would argue that the previous sparks were actually a bit too subtle, as it conveys a sense that things are under control. They clearly are not. Having larger sparks will help convey this quite well I think, as things go from normal to bad quite dramatically and quickly, with or without the sparks.

I also think they should perhaps install a single electric blue strobe light next to the generator, hidden from view that flashes a couple of times up the wall behind the generator at the same time the sparks trigger, to give the sense of the electricity actually shorting and arcing. When generators go bang, they do so with normal sparks and usually a few bright blue flashes from the electricity.

I would argue that this ramped up effect is actually quite subtle to what can happen when a generator blows. I like it.
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I quite like the upgrade to the generator effect, the spark effect was easily missed by some people. This new effect will definitely generate a definite 'wow' moment that wasn't necessarily there before.

There will always be some dissenters with traditionalists when anything is changed within beloved attractions, but the fact they've remained so faithful to the essence of the ride. I can afford to see a slight change in creative direction to give resonance with contemporary audiences so the ride is having the same emotional impact on guests from when the ride first (re)opened!
How about we all just wait until seeing it in person before we start saying "oh it looks crap/not right;"; etc. So many people on social media have already been criticising what it looks like from like a 2 second clip. I'm all for constructive criticism, but it feels as though they can't win with anything at the minute. Not digging at anyone in particular by the way, it just seems like it's caused more online stir than it needed. it's just an effect at the end of the day 🤷‍♂️
How about we all just wait until seeing it in person before we start saying "oh it looks crap/not right;"; etc. So many people on social media have already been criticising what it looks like from like a 2 second clip. I'm all for constructive criticism, but it feels as though they can't win with anything at the minute. Not digging at anyone in particular by the way, it just seems like it's caused more online stir than it needed. it's just an effect at the end of the day 🤷‍♂️
I'll be happy as long as they didn't employ the papier-mache-and-plywood brigade who made the gun in the Nemesis queueline to make some extra props.