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New ride?

Should Alton Towers add in a new ride or attraction just next to the gardens in the valley?

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Tell me what you think! I know they might not have permission to do this, but it’s just opinion.
It’s been discussed in many other threads. It was on the cards, and was found to be unfeasible. Maybe one day, who knows. But they would be ruining one of the only tranquil parts of the park in favour of a coaster that at the end of the day is 2 big drops and a lot of meandering in the trees. We got our woodie, so that makes this project even more unlikely. And a steel coaster in the valley would be very ugly. Let’s keep the gardens as they are. Spend the money restoring and tidying them up. It’s also worth remembering that a whole new set of management has come and gone multiple times since this was shelved. It’s probably something of a myth for the management nowadays.
Only if it's something that looks good and integrates well into the gardens and environment of the area.

That original cross valley coaster would've been a possible eyesore however a Hyper style coaster from B&M or another similar manufacturer could work.

I'm on the fence with this one 🤔
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