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Oakwood Theme Park or Pleasurewood Hills?

Oakwood Theme Park or Pleasurewood Hills?

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Matt N

TS Member
Favourite Ride
Mako (SeaWorld Orlando)
Hi guys. Two UK theme parks that are arguably quite similar in many ways are Oakwood Theme Park in Narberth, Wales and Pleasurewood Hills in Lowestoft, Suffolk. Both parks are near popular seaside holiday destinations (Oakwood is in Pembrokeshire, while Pleasurewood Hills is near to Great Yarmouth), both parks are on the smaller end of the scale with relatively modest ride selections, and if I’m being honest, both parks have a general reputation among enthusiasts of being a bit downtrodden and past their best, so to speak. With this in mind, I’d be intrigued to know; do you prefer Oakwood or Pleasurewood Hills? Of these smaller UK parks, which appeals to you more?

For context, I have been to Oakwood 3 times (or maybe it was 4? I can never remember if I went when the rest of my family did in 2009…), with my first logged visit in my spreadsheet being in 2010 and my most recent being in 2019. By comparison, I have only had the one visit to Pleasurewood Hills; that visit was on Monday, so the park is still fresh in my mind.

With this in mind, my vote would comfortably go to Oakwood Theme Park, based on my most recent visit.

Yes, the park is definitely run-down in areas, and it’s far from perfect. I think the operations can be very slow, my one experience there on a busy school trip day saw them horrifically oversell Fastrack in a way I’ve never seen before or since, and I think the park does suffer in some ways from having not been meaningfully invested in for a long time.

With that being said, I do have a little soft spot for it. I think parts of the park have a certain charm to them; I think bits of it, like Neverland and the little train to the entrance, are quite cute, and I find Treetops quite a charming family coaster. I’ve allano always found Oakwood to have incredibly decent roller coaster hardware for a park of its calibre. Megafobia is an excellent headline coaster (and I can only imagine that it’s even better now they’ve retracked it), and Speed is also a really impressive coaster for the park. For a park of Oakwood’s calibre, I’ve always really liked the one-two punch of Megafobia and Speed.

In comparison, I found Pleasurewood Hills a little more underwhelming. It is similar to Oakwood in many ways, and I’d argue that it’s not a badly kept park in some areas, with some bits of it looking fresher and better maintained. In some ways, there seems to be a little more ongoing effort being put into aesthetics than at Oakwood. I also acknowledge that I may be the wrong demographic for it, as there seemed to be quite a bit there for young children.

However, I had two main issues with Pleasurewood Hills. My first is that I didn’t think there was a lot to do there and it lacked a real standout draw. My favourite ride there was Jolly Roger, which was admittedly an excellent drop tower and one of the strongest in the UK for me, but I felt that Cannonball Express and Wipeout were a far weaker duo of standout coasters than Megafobia and Speed, and there wasn’t a huge amount else there to do aside from the coasters and Jolly Roger. My other issue with it, in spite of what I said above about there being marginally more effort being put into aesthetics in areas of the park than Oakwood, is that quite large swathes of Pleasurewood, more so than any other park I’ve ever visited including Oakwood, looked blatantly abandoned. I’ve never been to a park with quite so much blatant dereliction before, and while I acknowledge that this may be solved in time with the Looping Group’s focus on refurbishments, it does not currently leave a very good impression.

I don’t think either park is one that I could fill a full day in, but the key thing for me is that Oakwood just has those headline draws that Pleasurewood really lacks and it didn’t look quite so blatantly derelict in places last time I went there. Neither park is one that I’d revisit regularly, but I’d almost quite like to go back to Oakwood and try Megafobia again now that they’ve retracked it, whereas now I’ve been to Pleasurewood, I don’t have a huge amount of desire to return any time soon. I enjoyed my time there, don’t get me wrong, and I’m glad I went, but given I live 4.5 hours away on a good run, I’m not making any plans to return any time soon in the absence of new major investment.

But I’d be interested to know; do you prefer Oakwood or Pleasurewood Hills?
Never been to either, can’t be bothered to drive god knows how many miles across the country to be disappointed by them as they both look really poor, but I’ll acknowledge that Oakwood looks like less of a complete and utter depressing disaster than Pleasurewood Hills does.
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I've been to both once. I don't have any plans to visit either a second time.

At a push maybe Oakwood would just make it as a preferred option if I had a gun pointed to my head and had to pick one. Only because of Megafobia (and I think that is massively overrated). The only seemingly saving grace of Pleasurewood Hills is the exit.
Another vote for neither. I don’t hunt new credits enough to travel across the country at considerable time and expense for a place that offers so little. When main parks such as Alton, Blackpool and Drayton start to feel stale I’d rather use the time and money on other interests I have, or even seek out an easy access overseas trip that would be far better value for money.
Why even ask this question?

Both might be run down but Oakwood has Megafbbia, Speed and Waterfall all of which are terrific fun and incomparable to anything at the miserable Pleasurewood Hills park.

Not a tear would be shed if the latter closed its doors for good
Haven’t done PWH but thoroughly enjoyed my day at Oakwood a few weeks back.
The sun was shining, there were no queues and I got 21 rides on Megaphobia. Can’t complain.
I probably wouldn’t do the drive again just to go to Oakwood but I would choose to go to that neck of the woods for a little holiday purely because I could fit in a day at that park.
Megaphobia is a fab coaster.
From watching vlogs of PWH, its not somewhere I’m in a rush to get to.
It's an interesting one; I've never done Oakwood so I can't compare.

But PWH; speaking as an enthusiast and thrillseeker ... yeah, there's not much there for us and it's not somewhere I'd rush to visit on my own or go out of my way to go to. Oakwood probably would push it in that regard but one day I might get there.

But speaking as a father and a family man... all I can ask for from family days out is that my kids enjoyed themselves. And they did, so I'm not as negative on PWH as others maybe with (perhaps) a slightly different viewpoint. I visited for the very first time recently with very low expectations, but do you know what, all 4 of us had a very good day there and came away very satisfied.

Yes there's a few parts run down and derelict, but tbh, kids don't care about that. All I can ask for from a day out is that they enjoyed themselves and go home tired and happy and PWH certainly did that.
Never been to either park before although both are run down parks near tourist destinations that rely on holiday traffic.

By line up, I'd say Oakwood edges Pleasurewood Hills out.

Both parks have potential to grow if consistent and sustained investment is made however they're in more remote areas of the UK which makes it difficult.
Definitely Oakwood.

PWH can be completed in less than two hours and has no stand-out rides. Oakwood also put on all sorts of major entertainment throughout the year such as After Dark with fireworks and a pretty good (for a small park) Halloween event.
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