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Our Own Youtube Channels!


TS Member
OK, so over the last few years I've seen people mention that they've got their own Youtube channels (at least one has got +10,000 subs I think - LiftHillsandThrills). I seem to remember that the management around here mentioned doing something about this a couple of months ago (but nothing has happened - naughty haha). I forthwith propose that this thread will allow our members to share their Youtube Channels, and then share individual videos afterwards from said channels when they/we see fit in this here thread. Don't be shy. An interest is an interest. If you're trying to build up a channel or you're just happy sharing your last trip or venture with others that you've caught on camera, feel free to share it.

Obviously, I'm going to share my channel (or 2) here (haha). My main channel these days is: https://www.youtube.com/@AdamExploresBritain - I mainly visit country house estates and talk about the history (amongst random other bits). I've got 3,250 subscribers so far. I try to research and make at least one video a month. I make a little bit of pocket money each month (just a little top-up to normal work wages).

Then there is my original Youtube channel and my first and (probably) forever love. My history of Alton Towers Channel. Around 1,700 subs. But, usually, my vids don't get that many views on that channel. That channel got monetised several months ago but I think I might have only uploaded one video since. I like to just record stuff that's cool like a ride opening usually, and actually the amazing stuff about the lost glasshouses and what-not (which took months/years of research/experience). But, you know, that's like 800 views or whatever. The theme park 'niche' just seems crazy with every single person being 'Theme Park Gary' and 'Theme Park Kirsty' nowadays. Everything is just lost in the crowd. Just too much trash to wade through. I think one upload every 6 months or a year will do, because anything else is wasted and not seen in the deluge of sh**e anyway.

Importantly though, what are your interests? Are you just starting out with a channel? Every channel started out with only getting a few views. I'm really interested to know what channels you've started up. Is Youtube your job now? Did you almost make it but then gave up on it? What's the story from the beginning? Did you just sell your soul for the cash? Is it all for the love of theme parks? Being half-way into the monetised world I find the mental side very interesting. I really do welcome any thoughts and please share your vids!! 👍
Have followed AltonowersMemories for some time now. The video on the lost glass houses was very fascinating. I don’t have a channel to share but just wanted to say keep up the good work!
Have followed AltonowersMemories for some time now. The video on the lost glass houses was very fascinating. I don’t have a channel to share but just wanted to say keep up the good work!
Thanks a load Gary. I've noted that you've been kind to my channel or myself for 15 years+ now. I don't forget :)
I know it must be small fry to you guys, but I only started a channel for the sole purpose of posting my submissions for @Matt N 's excellent annual TS Speed Build contest on here. A few months back I uploaded a video of a Planco coaster I made, which was an attempt to extend Hyperia at Thorpe Park.

From: https://youtu.be/yu05apwlTek?si=0RlQo12FJ5faUcnJ

It somehow got 1.4K views, a few comments, and a small handful of subscribers. This is despite all my other videos for the contest being nothing like that. My kids think it's hilarious because the whole Youtuber phenomenon is popular with their generation. So they went to school and got some of their mates to subscribe to their dad's channel.
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I am a
Massive theme park geek and love this site, and watching other theme park youtubers, are we allowed to post other content? I do classic gaming vids and feel free to check me out/subscribe etc if you wish. :)

Fun fact: the smiler inspired me to us the tagline above lol
I am a
Massive theme park geek and love this site, and watching other theme park youtubers, are we allowed to post other content? I do classic gaming vids and feel free to check me out/subscribe etc if you wish. :)
Yeah, of course you can post other content. It doesn't have to be theme park related. It's just whatever you're into. All the best for the future with the channel :)
My channel is mostly a place for anything I've found/made that I think other people might find interesting - you'll find it all here. Naturally there's a few things on there that I'm rather fond of...

From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy4zSBuAVQg

By far my favourite thing I've put on the channel is a homage to a certain park, in the form of 'Alton Towers - Full 2022 Resort Tour'. Over the years I'd become fed up with vlogs and influencers and just wanted to watch a long video about the park itself - got impatient at waiting so I just made one myself. It covers the whole Resort without any commentary, as well as having a nice fluid style. Took just over a year to produce - there's a small playlist here that includes some of the demos we made as well as an alternate cut. Maybe at some point I'll share the initial 2021 audio draft too.

From: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpFpMsxLyvEaF5VAuXTaBOM2Qd7mQo4Ol

More recently I've been doing some community service by uploading some rare pieces of audio I've somehow gotten my hands on. A long time ago on a certain, now defunct forum (funny how it fell apart) someone shared a massive collection of pieces; for years I thought it was just all the usual stuff, but I dug a little deeper at the start of the year and found a few gems in there. I think I've found most of the really juicy stuff that hasn't been previously available en masse.

There's a few other oddjobs - a transfer of an old rollercoaster tape White Knuckle (first time online in its original aspect ratio), my attempt at making a less explicit trailer for controversial masterpiece Salò, and something to do with clowns I guess.

I'm not fussed by being a 'big deal' or anything - like I said, it's generally a place for anything I've made/discovered that others could potentially find interesting.