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Pancake Day

Matt N

TS Member
Favourite Ride
Mako (SeaWorld Orlando)
Hi guys. As some of you may know, today is Shrove Tuesday, better known as Pancake Day here in the UK. It’s a holiday (of sorts) that I personally really like, mostly because it’s the only day of the year where I get to eat pancakes! So basically; do you celebrate Pancake Day? And if you do, what’s your favourite thing to put on pancakes? Have you ever done any unique toppings? Or just anything Pancake Day related that you feel like sharing!

Personally, I love Pancake Day, and I do usually like to have pancakes on the day. I don’t tend to go too adventurous topping-wise; I usually top my pancakes with golden syrup.

I hope Pancake Day 2022 goes a little better than Pancake Day 2021 did, though… in 2021, we had to make pancakes as part of our PSHEE lesson in Sixth Form (we were in distance learning at this point, so I was doing this at home), and the thing they encouraged us to do was try a unique topping idea. We had a few Cadbury Creme Eggs knocking about at home, so I thought; why not melt a Creme Egg and pour that on top of my pancakes? It was certainly a novel idea, and I had this wonderful vision in my head of it being like on cooking programmes, where they pour this wonderful-looking melted chocolate over pancakes and it looks delicious. I like pancakes, and I like Creme Eggs; what could have gone wrong?

So I made my pancakes, and then microwaved a Creme Egg for 30 seconds. What I had failed to take into account is that Creme Eggs have fondant in the centre, so don’t properly melt when microwaved… instead of melting, my Creme Egg had congealed in the microwave, and was still solid, but all horrible and sticky, and tasted far worse than a regular solid Creme Egg. So as such, I was left with plain pancakes and a horrible congealed Creme Egg that I would have enjoyed far more in its regular solid form… in conclusion, it was a waste of perfectly good pancakes and a waste of a perfectly good Creme Egg. I think I’m sticking to good old golden syrup this year!

But what are your general thoughts and ideas on Pancake Day?
Oh I love pancake day, just because it's an excuse to have pancakes. Of course the best pancake topping is lemon and sugar, can't beat it.
Love the story about the creme egg @Matt N :tearsofjoy: not sure I would've tried putting creme egg in the microwave haha. If we were to have chocolate we'd use chocolate spread and in fact we usually do.
My dad once flipped a pancake in our old trusty frying pan and he got a bit carried away. The pans handle snapped off and the frying pan went flying, we still laugh about it every pancake day, so dads not allowed to flip the pancakes unless he's supervised :sweatsmile:
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Oh dear @JAperson… easily done, I guess! I bet your dad must have been doing some forceful flips to actually break a frying pan!

In terms of the Creme Egg; I think I tried the microwave method because I’d seen my mum microwave chocolate to melt it before and it had always worked fairly well for her, so my thought process was “why wouldn’t that work for a Creme Egg?”.

I guess it proves why I’m not a particularly experimental person on the culinary side of things…
Oh dear @JAperson… easily done, I guess! I bet your dad must have been doing some forceful flips to actually break a frying pan!
Yeah hahaha, like I say it was an old pan but it was quite funny, the pancake went flying, in fact if I remember correctly I think it got stuck to the ceiling.
In terms of the Creme Egg; I think I tried the microwave method because I’d seen my mum microwave chocolate to melt it before and it had always worked fairly well for her, so my thought process was “why wouldn’t that work for a Creme Egg?”.
I think melting chocolate in the microwave takes a bit of practise you have to do it long enough for it to melt but not to burn. You also have to stop it fairly regularly and give it a stir. I've never been able to do it very well.
I guess it proves why I’m not a particularly experimental person on the culinary side of things…
Yeah perfectly understandable, I'm not a very good chef either Matt so I wouldn't worry about it. I can manage some simple dishes but something overly experimental or complicated. I'm luckily in that my mum is a good chef and tries making all sorts of delicious foods from time to time.
Better than Christmas day in my book.
Unfortunately I'm working into the early hours today, so I'll be tossing tomorrow instead.

You can throw all sorts of weird and wonderful things at them, but lemon and sugar/syrup is always best in the end.
Do you go for the same flavour every time, or do you have a different flavour each time? Or do you alternate your pancake flavour by day?
You Dont Get It Over Your Head GIF

Matt, you might want to re-read Matt GCs previous post...
@Matt N don't let these dirty minded folk ruin your innocence hahaha

I also love pancake day and yesterday me and two of my housemates cooked some together, and we all chose to have nutella on them which my favourite topping. I made thin crepe style pancakes whereas my housemate made thick american style "dropscone" pancake and so I'm curious which kind you guys prefer, because I'm not a fan of the thicker ones. I put a poll on my instagram story and 72% of people agreed with me.

A funny story from yesterday however is that me and my friends went to the pub and as that usually goes we ended up going out, however one of them who was quite drunk dropped out at the last minute as we were walking home to get changed to instead go to the 24 hour shop and buy flour and lemon juice so she could go home and make pancakes at 12pm, because she hadn't had them yet, which I thought was quite sweet.
I've never enjoyed the American style pancakes. They are no good for the British sugar and lemon topping, as it turns into a stodgy, mushy mess. Not what I want in my mouth. Crepe style pancakes all the way. I do love a bit of Nutella spread in the centre too.

I've been working for the past two days so I'm having my fill of pancake goodness today.
I’ve got to say, I personally quite like the American-style ones. With a bit of golden syrup on top, some of them used to be my go-to choice from a Premier Inn breakfast when we used to have breakfast in the hotel restaurant!

Although it must be said that the British ones are nice, too.

Not forgetting Dutch pancakes, either; Center Parcs’ Pancake House always did nice Dutch pancakes! Although I very rarely got to go there, as I’m in a minority in my family that has enough of a taste for sweet stuff to eat there…

To be honest, I think I just like pancakes in general…