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Planet Coaster 2: Confirmed!

I would like to see the following.
1-More free flow on the rapids
2.Water guest interaction, so the guest react to getting wet by fountains etc( i know its a big ask)
3.Water droplets on the POV Camera when in the line of water like RCT3
4.Better pathing system, possibly a thinner option for easier cattle pens
5.Top Scan
6.Operate flat rides to be able to save custom programmes without using the painful way we do it now.
7. A ride effect randomizer, so you can link multiple scenery effects programmed to play out at random, think Verbolten having 3 potential scenes
8.Custom Height drop towers/top loading drop towers/ custom timers on drop release. Thinking subterra scene
9.More coaster types- MACK XS-4D Freespin-RMC Raptor-Water Coaster with editable drop pull out, not just one height fits all laziness
10.360 Roll on coaster editor to be able to make smoother inversions.
11.Track Switches-Drop Track/Elevator-Multi Launch set as a standard option for all coasters.
12. Darkness relative to scenery placement, ie , if you build a building to put in a coaster it will be dark inside without having to bury or build mountains to simulate darkness.
13.Walk through attractions/scare mazes.
14-Weather and ride closures on set weather.
15.Water/Smoke effects that don't disappear when close to them.
More fuel to the fire.

The Frontier questionnaire which went live (and closed) last week after they got enough data, had a huge section in it with questions specifically relating to Planet Coaster. As many have alluded online, these questions are clearly in relation to an upcoming game, they have to be. They would not be asking specific questions relating to a Planet Coaster game from 8 years ago, clearly for a new game in the works.
More fuel to the fire.

The Frontier questionnaire which went live (and closed) last week after they got enough data, had a huge section in it with questions specifically relating to Planet Coaster. As many have alluded online, these questions are clearly in relation to an upcoming game, they have to be. They would not be asking specific questions relating to a Planet Coaster game from 8 years ago, clearly for a new game in the works.
Do you know what the questions were?
I'd just like there to be more focus on the management and whilst retaining the ability for people to make custom assets, not have that as a necessity to build a decent-looking park (You shouldn't have to rely on Steam Workshop)

Whilst I consider myself reasonably creative, Franky I don't have time to go about building an intricate facade for a shop. You can criticise RCT for it's basic building structure system all you like, but it was quick, intuitive and (most of the time) enables you to create good-looking structures and buildings without spending hours pouring over details.

I don't really play Planet Coaster anymore for these reasons. It's far too "sandbox" for my liking. You have a vast, empty plot of land and an insanely wide array of building/scenery components to chose from which makes it a) very daunting and b) very time consuming. In RCT I could build an entire park within a day, and have everything looking good, functioning and with an element of challenge (I rarely played sandbox). On planet Coaster however you're looking at weeks to even months to do the same. It's just too much and needs bringing back down to earth a bit. Possibly release the base game as such, and have expansion packs for the people who have time to spend pouring hours over the design of a toilet.

The coaster builder is fine, I think it strikes a good balance between being intuitive but not overwhelming (although I might still simplify it further and utilise AI to smooth things out and heartline etc) and the game camera works fine too. So the fundamental "coaster building" bit already has a good foundation.

I'd like it to be more in the vein of the original RCT series with a proper, challenging campaign, and most importantly have improved performance & weather effects. I loved watching the guests open their umbrellas when it rained and hear the sound effects associated with that. Even RCT3 did a good job with weather, which to this day still makes it fairly attractive to look at!
I'd just like there to be more focus on the management and whilst retaining the ability for people to make custom assets, not have that as a necessity to build a decent-looking park (You shouldn't have to rely on Steam Workshop)

Whilst I consider myself reasonably creative, Franky I don't have time to go about building an intricate facade for a shop. You can criticise RCT for it's basic building structure system all you like, but it was quick, intuitive and (most of the time) enables you to create good-looking structures and buildings without spending hours pouring over details.

I don't really play Planet Coaster anymore for these reasons. It's far too "sandbox" for my liking. You have a vast, empty plot of land and an insanely wide array of building/scenery components to chose from which makes it a) very daunting and b) very time consuming. In RCT I could build an entire park within a day, and have everything looking good, functioning and with an element of challenge (I rarely played sandbox). On planet Coaster however you're looking at weeks to even months to do the same. It's just too much and needs bringing back down to earth a bit. Possibly release the base game as such, and have expansion packs for the people who have time to spend pouring hours over the design of a toilet.

The coaster builder is fine, I think it strikes a good balance between being intuitive but not overwhelming (although I might still simplify it further and utilise AI to smooth things out and heartline etc) and the game camera works fine too. So the fundamental "coaster building" bit already has a good foundation.

I'd like it to be more in the vein of the original RCT series with a proper, challenging campaign, and most importantly have improved performance & weather effects. I loved watching the guests open their umbrellas when it rained and hear the sound effects associated with that. Even RCT3 did a good job with weather, which to this day still makes it fairly attractive to look at!
What you've described is why I much prefer playing Planet Zoo over Planet Coaster. I can pick that game up for a few hours and just have fun building a small zoo with a few of my favourite animals. The pre-builts are a better base to build on, and each theme feels more complete (less time scrolling through menu's looking for a specific part).
Also, it has weather, probably the best weather in any game, as anything you build can act as a shelter.

Just making these improvements would help the game so much.
What I’d most like is a more balanced pay one price option. I don’t enjoy running these large parks as if I'm operating a funfair.

My proposal would be to charge guests a bit like monthly-billed annual pass. Every in-game month, each guest in the park has, say, $12 deducted from their wallet. That way, the POP system is not reliant on guests passing through the entrance, and guests who stay longer are continually generating revenue.

Other than that, more micromanagement elements really interest me. That’s mainly what I play for - I play in the same park I built a year ago, just tweaking and playing with the management side of things.

More ways to monetise - on-ride photos/unique & specific ride gift shops, lockers, manned sideshows, parking or transit, coupons (think RCT3 ‘free ride ticket’ marketing campaigns), non-hotel accommodation.

Seasonal changes in attendance would also be interesting, with on and off-peak times.
My proposal would be to charge guests a bit like monthly-billed annual pass. Every in-game month, each guest in the park has, say, $12 deducted from their wallet. That way, the POP system is not reliant on guests passing through the entrance, and guests who stay longer are continually generating revenue.
That's actually a really neat way to get around the time moving differently problem between a game and reality.

As an example; maybe if everytime the game completes a day/night cycle the guests wallet resets and the entrance price is deducted again. Artificially making it seem like they've gone home and returned during the time jump.
Some superb ideas in this thread. I've played the first one to death and cannot wait for the inevitable sequel - here's a few things I'd love to see...

Performance and Small Tweaks
  • Raytracing and DLSS support
  • Improved First Person mode (I'm aware there's a cheat you can use to enable this but it's not the greatest)

Ride Systems
  • Additional "show elements" such as track drops, trick tracks, motion platforms etc.
  • More coaster types
  • More interchangeable ride trains
  • Specific height requirements (including unaccompanied)
  • Rolling and dual stations
  • Dispatch points, ie a train will leave the station when another train reaches a specified point on the circuit
  • Transfer tracks to allow for multi or single train operation without having to close the ride completely
  • Adjustable heights/sequences on drop towers
  • Single Rider and Accessible queues

Other Wishes
  • Sideshows
  • Additional/expanded themes - eg. prehistoric and desert
  • Backwards compatibility with the first game
There's so many things that could make the game better - hopefully it feels completely new rather than just an update.
I would love to see some more details and some of the ideas have been mentioned, here are some of the features I would love:

add switch track and drop tracks / transfer tracks, etc to allow for the rides that are becoming very common,
more stations so both duel and unload stations for rollercoasters very useful for flying coasters or high capacity rides,
more guest funding methods, as mentioned earlier a subscription style where quests pay to stay in the park but I would like to have it work similar to real life where you can set an opening time and close time, I think it could allow for some down time to change some parts (like adding new paths) of the park and make it feel better,
more maintanence / train details I would like to see some more ride maintance details with the option of adding a storage track to a ride that is out of the way then have a breakdown where the train teleports/travels into the storage and a maitanence teck travels to the train and fixes it, it would mean no queue evac but the concequence of having worse opperations whilst the train is in storage. (a normal break down is still possible with this)
walk through attractions and shows
multiple ride attractions I am thinking of this to intergrate with the walk through attractions similar to some other rides like nemesis sub terra or rise of resustance it could also allow for pre shows,as this could be intergrated with the multiple ride attractions and shows

edit: also some controller support on pc, I have got plan co working on steam deck but the controller support is a the main issue I face with that
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Another idea just popped into my head - more dark ride transit types. Omnimovers, circular/small boats, madhouses, mini drop towers - paired with an overhauled show effects system, making more varied dark rides could be fun again. Currently it feels somewhat limited.
Another idea just popped into my head - more dark ride transit types. Omnimovers, circular/small boats, madhouses, mini drop towers - paired with an overhauled show effects system, making more varied dark rides could be fun again. Currently it feels somewhat limited.
I find it odd how they have 2 variations on a paddle steamer, 2 trackless dark rides, a couple of completely uncustomisable track rides (I mean how is the most generic skin a bleeding sleigh ride?), as well as a take on Tower of Terror, yet don’t have these staples you’ve mentioned???
And a few more ideas (gosh I really do want this game!) - generative filling. Currently planting some topiaries along the perimeter of a ride area and it's taken me 20mins - and I'm maybe half way there. Wouldn't it be cool to select an area, or the edge of a path, press a button and tada - filled with wildlife? It'd certainly speed things up a lot. Could maybe go a bit further with scenery as well, although I do quite like building shops sometimes.

Wasn't there something like this in RCT2?
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And a few more ideas (gosh I really do want this game!) - generative filling. Currently planting some topiaries along the permeter of a ride area and it's taken me 20mins - and I'm maybe half way there. Wouldn't it be cool to select an area, or the edge of a path, press a button and tada - filled with wildlife? It'd certainly speed things up a lot. Could maybe go a bit further with scenery as well, although I do quite like building shops sometimes.

Wasn't there something like this in RCT2?
I think this would be a good idea with buildings too, as sometimes, in-game buildings can follow a similar design throughout and take a very long time to build (I’m thinking of enclosed coaster and dark ride buildings as an example).
And a few more ideas (gosh I really do want this game!) - generative filling. Currently planting some topiaries along the perimeter of a ride area and it's taken me 20mins - and I'm maybe half way there. Wouldn't it be cool to select an area, or the edge of a path, press a button and tada - filled with wildlife? It'd certainly speed things up a lot. Could maybe go a bit further with scenery as well, although I do quite like building shops sometimes.

Wasn't there something like this in RCT2?

I like this idea yeah, like a paint brush, Cities Skylines has this for foliage. I do not think RCT2 did though.
According to their own financial reports that goes out to shareholders, they have a creative management simulator of which Planet Coaster is classified as, due out in fiscal year 2024, which runs from July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024.

The reports also state that a CMS game is due for fiscal years 25 and 26. They recently announced their fiscal year 25 CMS game in the form of Jurassic World 3.

I am unsure if it will be announced this weekend, but an announcement for whatever this fiscal year's CMS game is, would be due very soon. It has to be soon to give the game a good chance of being marketed based on their historic release schedules for most games, where their own in house big IP games, such as Planco and Planet Zoo, always release just before Christmas, mid fiscal year.

It is highly likely to be Planet Coaster 2 I think. I doubt it will be Planet Zoo 2 as the first game is still in active development and only recently released on console. I also doubt it will be a new IP, This is due to the recent financial troubles Frontier faced. Making it highly unlikely that they will risk their finances on an untested, new IP. Planet Coaster 2 is almost a guaranteed success so makes logical and financial sense.

Exciting times.