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Planet Coaster... your ideas!


TS Team
Favourite Ride
Voltron Nevera
Hello all,

As you may know, I made a thread a while back showcasing my Planet Coaster park. Since then I got a bit bored and life took over, but now... I have a bit of free time on my hands!

I'm starting again, so that the park is of a more consistent standard throughout now that I know how the game works, and already have plans in my head for an underground metro system and an indoor roller coaster. However I need more ideas! Virtually anything is possible in this game, so what do you think I should make?

Anything from types of rides, themes, music, anything.


Do you think you could build me a nice new version of the Reel at Blackpool?
Then i could weep gently in the background as it went round.
Or a dead rodent for our shakey.
Quite close to the entrance, on the left hand side would be nice, if a little cheeky.
Thank you kindly.
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How about a B&M Dive Machine themed around diving. The holding point could look like a diving board then it could go into a splashdown and do multiple inversions over a lake.