I get people will probably pay more for it, but it will be incredibly interesting to see how they price themselves.
I think what might prevent them charging silly prices for tickets will be the initial offering - I believe that
should this go ahead, it will be phased in construction and opening, and whatever opens at first will be relatively small - certainly compared to the US offerings.
For an idea I’m thinking no more than say 2-3 small lands with a few rides or attractions in each, and maybe one “e-ticket” style coaster… but again given the weather, I’d expect to see more indoor and weather-proof attractions in mind.
I would hedge a bet that it’ll start small and somewhat cautious to keep costs down, and if they continue to be successful, they will grow the parks further over time, because I just don’t feel they are going to shell out upfront for a huge park to rival their other parks.
Yes Comcast have a lot of dollar behind them, and there is a belief in Comcast that theme parks print money right now… but I also think they will be cautious about how much they spend, and may even have Port Adventura bad memories on their minds still I bet
Talking of themes and rides, again I believe they will struggle to get Harry Potter rights from Warner Bros (everyone seems to think Universal automatically have the rights to it just because of the US parks) for any kind of sensible cost - however - I do think they could attempt to do something with Fantastic Beasts again similar to Epic Universe as it wouldn’t directly compete with WBST in the UK, and I’d hedge a guess that WB wouldn’t mind it so much too… probably charging a pretty penny for that licensing though
I also don’t see that Lord of the Rings would feature - yes it was a popular film franchise, but it’s one that’s over 20 years old now, and the appeal (or even knowledge of!) for the younger market doesn’t exist these days. It may work, but it wouldn’t be an obvious choice, and with a lack of further films to keep it in the publics interest, I just don’t think it’s a serious option.
I would however hedge a bet on seeing something Minions related, and likely something Dreamworks related too.
But I guess time will really tell on those themes too