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Potential New Universal UK Park

They're definitely going to give it the full 'Epic Universe' treatment. This is their first bespoke European Park, they'll want to wow and amaze right from the off, and whilst they cite UK Parks as 'competition' they'll be eyeing DLP and the big theme heavy European Parks as their real competition.
But that’s the point, this isn’t like anything else in the UK right now, as the new name suggests this will be a destination type resort that you don’t just rock up to for one day like you wouldn’t at DLP.
We can’t think of this like other UK parks right now, it will be off the scale compared to what is currently on offer.

What makes this a destination resort and not Alton Towers? That has a hotel and waterpark in addition to the theme park, but far more people go just for a day visit instead of staying overnight. It will be the same at Universal, there will be lots of day visitors in addition to those staying over, or planning it as part of a bigger trip (some might do Universal, stay off-site and then go to the WB studio tour next day etc).
I don't think a general election holds any weight whatsoever.

Both labour and Tories will welcome a project of this nature 7 days a week and twice on Sunday. It's being paid for by a globally well known brand which will absolutely create lots of jobs and bring a lot of money into the local area through tourism. There's literally no down side to them is there? It's an open goal.

Yes they will have to significantly improve the transport links and roads but that's going to be partly or even fully covered too by Universal is it not?

This project won't rest on the outcome of an election. It will rest on whether they get clearance for the project and whether they think it will be financially viable.
I don't think a general election holds any weight whatsoever.

Both labour and Tories will welcome a project of this nature 7 days a week and twice on Sunday. It's being paid for by a globally well known brand which will absolutely create lots of jobs and bring a lot of money into the local area through tourism. There's literally no down side to them is there? It's an open goal.

Yes they will have to significantly improve the transport links and roads but that's going to be partly or even fully covered too by Universal is it not?

This project won't rest on the outcome of an election. It will rest on whether they get clearance for the project and whether they think it will be financially viable.
They will want a financial contribution to the project from the government in terms of paying for infrastructure upgrades. Universal will contribute but they will want the government to chip in as well.
Announcing this in the first few weeks of a new Labour government would be seen as a great PR coup for the incoming administration.

It can be held up as an example of ‘economic growth and investment in the UK’ that the new government will want to use to their advantage.

Universal will also need to work with the new administration on planning and infrastructure over the next 5 years so it is also in their interests to align with the new ministers coming into office.
I don't think a general election holds any weight whatsoever.

Both labour and Tories will welcome a project of this nature 7 days a week and twice on Sunday. It's being paid for by a globally well known brand which will absolutely create lots of jobs and bring a lot of money into the local area through tourism. There's literally no down side to them is there? It's an open goal.

Yes they will have to significantly improve the transport links and roads but that's going to be partly or even fully covered too by Universal is it not?

This project won't rest on the outcome of an election. It will rest on whether they get clearance for the project and whether they think it will be financially viable.
I don't think anyone has suggested that the outcome of the election will affect the decision. The suggestion has always been that any announcement would be delayed until after the general election, because the government can't commit to previously unannounced spending commitments or projects during the Purdah period.

The candidates and parties up for election can talk about how they would support such a hypothetical project, if they hypothetically won the election.
What makes this a destination resort and not Alton Towers? That has a hotel and waterpark in addition to the theme park, but far more people go just for a day visit instead of staying overnight. It will be the same at Universal, there will be lots of day visitors in addition to those staying over, or planning it as part of a bigger trip (some might do Universal, stay off-site and then go to the WB studio tour next day etc).
Scale, that’s what will make it a destination resort.
All the current UK parks can easily be done in a day because let’s be honest there is nothing to do in the evenings apart from the hotels.
Go to Florida, go to DLP, it’s completely different scale.
Whilst there will be some day visitors the vast majority will stay over.

Announcing this in the first few weeks of a new Labour government would be seen as a great PR coup for the incoming administration.

It can be held up as an example of ‘economic growth and investment in the UK’ that the new government will want to use to their advantage.

Universal will also need to work with the new administration on planning and infrastructure over the next 5 years so it is also in their interests to align with the new ministers coming into office.
Yes and what a cheap shot that would be, possibly why Sky are currently sucking up to the Labour Party.
Bets on anyone?
It’ll obviously go through during a labour administration but it never started with labour.

So whilst labour will be front and centre during the lifetime of this project you’ll still have the tories banging on about it starting under their watch, which it did.

I just think the whole thing is ridiculously exciting. It’s going to change the game completely.
Given that Universal had Velocicoaster virtually up and built before acknowledging its existence it’s possibly not that far of a stretch to think that there may not be an ‘announcement’ at this stage anyway?

It may just be the case that planning applications etc all but confirms that a decision has been made to progress rather than a formal announcement.
Scale, that’s what will make it a destination resort.
All the current UK parks can easily be done in a day because let’s be honest there is nothing to do in the evenings apart from the hotels.
Go to Florida, go to DLP, it’s completely different scale.
Whilst there will be some day visitors the vast majority will stay over.
Right now we don't have any evidence of the scale, it might still be possible to do the park in a single day. Places like DLP has two parks, Universal Orlando currently is 2-3 and will be 3-4, WDW is 4-6. You need to stay over often because the logistics of moving between two parks. At most of those places it is possible to do a single park in a full day (I've done it). Right now until we know what attractions there are and what the queues are like, I think it will still be a single day park at opening for most people. Even if there is evening entertainment that doesn't mean you will need multiple days, just a longer one, like when Alton Towers has fireworks. I still think there will be plenty of day visitors, especially as the park is only a train journey from London.
Fully agree it will cater to day visitors as well as those spending two or three days there. I think people in this country are well versed in getting up at the crack of dawn to drive 2/3 hours, then making the same trek back getting home in the dark. People will still do that as a cheaper way of getting on their favourite rides and attractions, experiencing the wizarding world, Nintendo world or whatever incredible worlds they design.

Obviously to experience it in all its glory you’d want more than a day there, I think that goes without saying even this early into things!
The fact they only plan to have 500 rooms onsite at opening is biggest clue that this is likely a one day park for most guests - certainly in the first phase anyway.

You also have to take into consideration the ease of getting to the Park from London and all the 3rd party hotels that will now pop-up. They've touted a '20 mill visitors' figure which heavily implies a second gate is already being considered down the line - which will bring with it more Hotels and make it a true multi-day resort.

Right now, we're at step 1 of a long process to build a resort, so whilst it might not seem ready to be considered a multiday resort now, Universal are planning for it to become one. After all you don't open right away with two gates and a half dozen hotels, it happens in stages.
How rammed do we think this park is going to get? I'd love to go opening year but I'd imagine it's going to be rather popular. Hotel rooms may be hard to come by as well
How rammed do we think this park is going to get? I'd love to go opening year but I'd imagine it's going to be rather popular. Hotel rooms may be hard to come by as well

I expect it'll be as rammed as DLP is these days, but no chance you're getting a hotel room unless you book months in advance, especially in the first 1-2 years. Once the 3rd party hotels and more Universal ones pop-up it'll get easier.

As for the Park itself feeling crowded, I'm sure it won't be that bad, they'll probs have their rides designed as capacity monsters and with a layout to accomodate 10mill visitors a year.
With regard to the hotel rooms, I have a strong suspicion that Universal may be wanting to avoid the mistakes of Disneyland Paris, which opened with well over 1,000 hotel rooms and ended up having to run some of its hotels in rotation due to lack of demand. It sounds counterintuitive, but in business, it’s better for profits to have too few rooms for demand than too many rooms for demand.

With regard to how busy the park will be, I don’t think it’ll initially hit the heights of DLP. I’d expect something more along the lines of Europa Park or Efteling, around the 5-6 million visitor mark, initially, or maybe a tad more depending on the size of the park. I think it’ll take a good few years of bedding in before we even contemplate 10 million guests a year.