In answer to the question re Stealth getting a higher throughput than Rita, the team on Stealth just always smash it. But the team also made some changes to improve dispatch times;
- Installed new self closing exit gates on the offload platform, to speed up the offloading process
- Changes to the announcement on the offload platform, and making it louder to speed up the offload process
- Fixed the countdown timer on the load platform, for a target to work towards on each dispatch
- Installed a new barrier between the load and off-load platform
- New signage on the offload platform
The above changes made the average launch time decrease from 101 seconds to 69 seconds, so pushing the hourly throughput to over 1000pph.
They've also added a screen in the queue just before you reach the platform, to display pre loading information to further increase throughput. I'm not sure if this is yet in operation though.